"Where the hell do you think your going ?" Ivy asked stepping up from her chair and standing infront of the back door

"Karen's." He grumbled as Ivy scoffed at him not moving a bone in her body.

"Dinners almost ready." Fiona butted in

"Not hungry" he protested trying to move around Ivy who still stood infront of him.

"Of course you're not Phillip . Too busy for family when it comes to some whore your fucking." Exploded ivy causing lip to push her out the way making everyone gasp.

"Ivy shut the fuck up." He yelled before leaving the house

"I swear to god I'm actually gonna kick the shit out of Karen Jackson one day." Ivy huffed before sitting back down and eating the food that had just been laid out.

"Go for it Ivy!" Veronica laughed, almost cheering the girl on.

"Well one boy down let's just hope Ian will stay as ivys here." Fiona sighed

Jasmine then rambled on about grown up stuff to Fiona for what felt like to ivy 600 hours until Ian arrived and actually stayed.

"Where's lip?" He asked looking around at everyone that sat at the table.

"At Karen's I don't think he's joining us." Ivy responded but too seconds later he busted through the door and stormed upstairs.

Fiona then signalled for ivy and Ian to head upstairs and which they did so . They opened the door to see lip faced down on his bed

"You alright?" Ian asked him "how was Karen." He didn't respond "lip?"

"She fucking dumped me." He mumbled. Ivy accidentally snorted at his words making Ian give her a pissed off look "ivy shut the fuck up." Lip said

"Sorry I didn't mean to laugh."She apologised still grinning at Ian as the pair tried so hard not to laugh.

"We're you two even a couple?"ian questioned

"Still feels shitty." Lip moaned.

"She is kind of a slut." Ian added which made Ivy laugh again but Ian then kicked her.

"Yeah but... then so am i ." Lip sassily replied to the pair that stood infront of the bed.

"Maybe lip that's why you guys got along." Ivy chimed in

Everyone chuckled as they passed around the cigarette Ian had lit taking 4 pulls and passing it on until it was out.

"I think I was falling in love with her." Ivy then pretended to gag at his words before they all went downstairs and joined everyone for food.

After finishing dinner everyone went to bed except from ivy and whoever she heard downstairs . She snuck Down and sat on the stairs overhearing the conversations that were happening in the kitchen .

"You bastard!" Fiona whispered , ivy couldn't work out who she was talking to.

"Are they out of jail?" The man asked

"You gave them a stolen car?" That's when Ivy realised that Fiona was talking to Steve , the Steve who had been gone for ages

"Ye lip asked to borrow one to run some errands or something and he asked me—," he was then cut off by Fiona slapping him round the face. "I have to leave town."

"Where the fuck have you been?" Fiona boomed, Ivy was sure she had woken up the whole house with how loud she was being.

"Come with me. Costa Rica . It's beautiful I have friends there." He begged.

"Why do you have to go?" She asked

The continued to argue until Fiona walked into the living room and saw ivy standing on the stairs.

"Ivy go to bed please." But she refused

"You know Costa Rica sounds nice Fiona , if you go then me lip and Ian will help out here." Ivy chatted , she wanted Fiona to be happy and stress free.

"Thank you Ivy!" Jimmy agreed hoping her words would convince Fiona But then ivy got up and slapped him "what the hell was that for."

"For disappearing. For leaving Fiona thinking that the man she was with no longer wanted her! You almost got my bestfriend Ian and lip put in jail.  Piece of shit." She spat

"Look Fiona I love you and I wanna be with you. It's not forever we'll come back to visit , three months . Six months maybe a year you can call them every single day. Come with me Fiona."

He then passed her a ticket and told her where to meet him before leaving but then lip walked up behind Ivy.

"He's right you should go Fiona. You've done more than enough . We'll be alright." He then smiled at Fiona making her cry more .

"Goodnight lip." Ivy said as he walked up the stairs "you know Fiona I'm not family but you've done so much for me and that's why you deserve this break."

"Shut up ivy you're family." She giggled as she ran up to ivy and hugged her "you'll always be family."


"Wake up sleepyhead." Ian shook ivy
"It's like 3pm you gotta get up."

"I don't wanna get up though." She groaned as Ian literally dragged her up and out of bed

"Well we have things to do places to be ivy milkovich so up!" He then threw clothes at her and she gave in and got dressed.

"Is ivy awake yet!" Fiona said as she knocked on the door.

"Ye she is." Ian responded "now ivy-."

"Shit wait!" She interrupted before running out of the bedroom and towards Fiona , she then threw her arms around her and squeezed her "it's today girl." She cheered

"I know." Fiona huffed not looking excited one bit.

"Having second thoughts?" Fiona nodded "you'll be fine fi , you need this break anyways we will always be here." And with that they both said goodbye and Fiona left .

"Where's she going?" Ian asked

"She'll be back." Ivy smiled

Ivy milkovich Where stories live. Discover now