"Yes, I am!" Rosé shouted to the phone and I had to cover her mouth with my hand.

"Haha! I understand, Rosé. You don't have to agree on it here, Sunyoung. I will give you some times to think about it. Until then, please excuse me."

"Okay, thank you, Francesca." we ended the call.

"You told her we're a couple?" I asked Rosé.

"Yup, they won't make a fuss of it anyway. They're open about it."

"Hmm, okay then. But Rosé.. about the offer, I am not sure. YSL is a big company. I'm not used to it."

"Oh my god, don't be too humble. You're so fucking gorgeous, elegant, beautiful, sexy, curvy, titties, pussies...."

"What the fuck?"

"Just kidding. But on god, you're literally what every fashion house is looking for. Haven't you seen your own face and body? Damn, you really think my standard is low? No, you're like #1 woman in this world because you're my standard? You get me? Oh my god, do you want me to show the photos I showed Francesca? You won't believe how Francesca was too stunned to speak when she saw these pictures. You know the Tiktok sound? The woman was too stunned to speak but it was in a good way. Like, amazed."

"Rosé, oh my god. That's too much. Yeah, what photos did you show?"

She opened her camera roll and there was an album named Sunyoung ❤️ with pictures of me. Most of them were candidly taken by Rosé during our dates. There were also pictures of me that I never knew existed. I'm not sure if I actually look good in people's eyes but I think the way Rosé took the pictures was amazing. I never knew I could look like that.

"Pretty, aren't you?" she smiled at me. She's always excited about little things.

"If you think so."

"So, what do you say? Wanna come with me? Pleaseeeeeeeeee." she snuggled into me and I couldn't resist it.

"Yuhh, okay. Get off, Rosé, I can't breathe." I tried to stop Rosé from showering my face with kisses. Not complaining, tho.


Rosé and I were having dinner when the bell rang.

"I'll get it." Rosé left and went to the door. Just a few second, Yeji and Rosé were walking together and I panicked.

"Hellooo Sunyoung, I came to take my charger. I left it in the guest room." she cheerfully greeted me as if nothing happened last night. Rosé looked calm too.

"Yeah, sure. Just go." I awkwardly said.

"Why don't you join us for dinner after this, Yeji?" Rosé offered.

"That's so nice of you. I haven't had dinner yet, so of course! I will take my charger first." she waved and went upstairs.

"Why?" I asked Rosé.

"Why what? Isn't it common to invite the guests?" she smiled, convincing me that everything was alright.

"Oh, of course. Okay then."

"Don't forget to tell her that we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded and in just a few seconds, she joined us.

"Spaghetti for dinner? Haha! Italian vibes." she said when Rosé put a plate of spaghetti in front of her.

"Yeah, I just got back from Italy. I brought some here." Rosé said.

"Aren't you supposed to return later?"

"I wanted to celebrate Sunyoung birthday. Did you forget her birthday?" Rosé pointed me to Yeji

"Oh my, Sunyoug! I'm sorry. I didn't check the date. Do you wanna hang out together tomorrow? I'll treat you to lunch."

"It's okay and I can't make it tomorrow. I'm leaving to Italy with Rosé." I explained.

Yeji looked at me in disbelief. And then turned to Rosé.

"What do you mean?"

"She's going to sign a contract with YSL. YSL wants to have her as an ambassador." Rosé told her and she held my hand. I noticed Yeji took a quick glance on it.

"Woah, that's so sudden. When will you return?"

"I guess, after 2 weeks of work, we will stay for another week. Some kind of honeymoon. Right?" Rosé answered for us again. I just nodded, not sure what she was planning.

"Oh, good for you."

We continued the dinner with small chat. Yeji didn't hang with us for too long and said that she needed to go home earlier that day.

Rosé couldn't let go of me since this morning as if we were glued together. 2 weeks must had been hard for her but she didn't have to worry much, I was going to come along with her anyway. Back hugging is just her thing.

"Sunyoung, I can tell that Yeji likes you. You must be careful around her the next time." her fingers intertwined with mine when she rested her chin on shoulder.

"Really? What makes you say so?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure but I can tell. The way she looks at you and the way she gets distracted when I touch you. I was trying to warn her that she should know her limit. I guess she got it already."

The unnamed kitten came to us and rubbed her body against our legs. She was so cute and fluffy. I thought of something.

"Hey, if we're leaving soon, who will take care of this cat?" I asked.

"I just thought of it. We could send her to Lisa. She's good with cats."

"Have you thought of her name?"

"Not yet, I'll come with the idea once we're back from Italy."

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