Kara doesn't miss the sudden change. Lena went completely rigid and silent. She immediately halts and withdraws her lips, tongue, and fingers. She winces at Lena's grip in her hair but calmly talks to her as she tries to move up to look Lena in the eyes. "Hey, hey, Lee. You with me?"

Lena can hear Edge's voice making threats. She feels his hands all over her. Tears run down her face, and she can't stop from shaking. She can't breathe. She feels another force moving up her body, but she doesn't know what it is. She can hear another voice, but it doesn't make any sense.

"Lena, baby. Hey, it's me. It's Kara. I'm right here with you, and you're safe. I promise. Come back to me, Lee."

Lena slowly comes back to reality. She can see Kara in front of her. She sees her lips moving but can't make out what she is saying. She relaxes just a bit. If Kara's there, it means that she is safe. She lets out a deep breath that she didn't even know she was holding. She clings to Kara's face as tears run down her cheek and her body continues to shake.

"Hey, there you are. Deep breaths for me, hun." Kara wipes away the tears gently. "You with me?"

"I- I- I'm so- sorry." Lena gasps for air between sobs.

"No apologies, Lee. None. You okay?"

"I- I- ruined-"

"Shh, shh, shh. You didn't ruin anything, baby," Kara whispers. "Keep breathing, okay?"

Lena's eyes dart back and forth between two concerned blue eyes. It takes a couple of times to get it out, but Lena manages to get it out in a hushed whisper, "Edge."

Kara completely stiffens above her with her jaw tense. She does everything she can not to let her thoughts go into a murderous rage. "I'm so sorry, Lee. I've got you though. I'm here, and you're safe."

"I- I know. I'm s- sorry. Ir- irrational."

"No more apologies. I should have been checking in. I should've-"

"Stop," Lena says with just a bit more force. She starts focusing on the present instead of the flashback. "Y-you did nothing wrong."

Kara smiles sadly. "Neither did you. What can I do?"

Lena blinks repetitively to try to clear her tears. She kisses her girlfriend's lips gently. "You're already doing it. I- I'm so sorry, Kara."

"No. More. Apologies." Kara kisses her between each word. "We go your speed. No faster, no slower."

The CEO lets out a sigh and wipes away some tears. Lena mutters under her breath, "You weren't saying that earlier."

Kara smiles widely at the quip. "There's my girlfriend. Hi, nice to see you again."
Lena rolls her eyes dramatically. Her eyes water again, which Kara doesn't miss at all. "Want to talk about it?"

The CEO shakes her head with a sad smile. She's doing her best to move past it and let it go. She wanted their first time to be perfect and loving and sexy, but she berates herself for letting her mind think Kara - sweet, precious Kara - was Edge. "I don't want to ruin this even more."

"You didn't ruin anything. I promise. I want you to be comfortable. We don't have to do anything more."

"No, no. I don't want to have to stop." Lena's eyes beg the blonde to not let this ruin it entirely. "Please. Please, let's keep going."

"I- I don't want to continue without knowing what happened. I want to know how to keep you grounded and having a good time. I- I don't want you to think I'm him. I don't want you afraid or hurting when I'm trying to show you how much I love you."

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