Deception is the Purest Form of Warfare

Start from the beginning

Wait, Wait, Guys... there's a problem. We're putting the Blade in the vicinity of an orphan! This can't end well!

Reverse Kidnap!

Yesss... go kidnap Eri!

Wait... there's an orphan with them? And why do they assume I'd hurt them? They'd practically be just like me, left behind by bad parents...

There was a pause, before the older man replied, "Why the hell would you want them?"
Whispering, as to not attract attention from any late night pros, he stated, "Their recent... project would be useful for what I'm doing."
That did not sound good. And the man correctly guessed why. "What happened with the League?"
Smiling at the sweet memory he invoked, the young man gave a proud comment. "Tenka and I hit it off really well, actually. She stole my first kiss ages ago."
"Sounds too good to be true. She threw a tantrum the first time we met."
Now getting to the meat and potatoes of the problem, he continued, "Yeah... well, AFO got involved and forced us to separate and kicked me out of the league. I'm trying to free her by killing the source of my problems."
"Yikes... I can see why you need the drastic measure of their product. How will you acquire it?"

Oh boy.

AFO really is that father trying to keep the hooligans away from his daughter.

No, he isn't. He's a conniving old man, and I still don't get why Tenka's with him.


Are we getting the withers?

Now that's a thought... but no. Not for small time Yakuza. A bit overkill.

Now putting the Chat on hold, he gave his plan. "Discussing it with them directly. Perhaps giving some of my lightweight iron armor to them in exchange..."
"Chiaski will probably decline since it is the result of your quirk."
That's true. He has one of the most versatile quirks in the world, yet is a quirkaphobe. What a conundrum... "Hm..."

Stain then did something he doesn't normally do. Invite him for a chat. "How about we discuss this in person?"
Looking around, he made sure nobody heard his next question. "You're in Hosu, right sensei?"
The call ended after he affirmed it: "Yes. I'll meet you once you arrive."

Inko returned to UA the next day, wishing to discuss further actions with Nezu. He was busy on a phone call with an irate Aizawa.

"...I understand you are having problems with Bakugo. You only have to hold on one more week before you'll be allowed to do anything to him. At least if things go normally. I have an appointment out. Good day, Aizawa." He ended the call, and turned to his next guest. Someone he actually would prefer to speak to, considering the mystery that was her son. "Inko Yagi, what a surprise! Please, take a seat. Would you like some tea?"

Nodding, she had a long, sleepless night. Anything to help... "That would be appreciated..."
As he poured his kettle, the rodent stated. "You had a lot to think about last night."

She knew he was referring to Izuku's actions. Why would he attack if it was a school? And why after Bakugo so much? Well, the answer was obvious. "As much as I want to deny it, there is no other explanation for his actions at the USJ."
"Indeed." He handed her a cup of chamomile infused with a little honey. However, he then asked, knowing something was... different. She exhibited a sense of understanding, as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. "But that's not why you are here... is it?"

Shaking her head slightly, she then answered before taking a sip of tea. "No, He asked to meet last night."
He narrowed his small beady eyes, regardless of his smile. "I suspected you were hiding something."
"Nothing escapes you, does it?" She chuckled to herself. "It's not that I was exactly trying to hide it, it's just... He's... grown, but the same boy I still remember. Trying to help people in his own way."
Reminding her not to get to emotionally invested, "He is a vigilante who has killed heroes."
"That is true. He is a vigilante, one who worked with the league of villains, as they called themselves, but... his priorities have changed. He told me critical information."

Curiosity lined his next question, eager for the information. "That being?"
"All for One is back. He is the head of the League. And he doesn't want Izuku to stay with them, as he jeopardizes his plans."

"This is quite the problem... I assume you haven't told Toshinori yet?"
After having seen his reaction to Techno having attacked his daughter and Bakugo... she quietly whispered, "No. He won't take this well. He's already on edge..."
Taking a sip of tea, Nezu stated what he observed. "That is why you came to me."

"Yes... for advice."
"How to gain his trust?"
He paused for a moment, before roaring into hysterical laughter over his tea, chilling her to the core as he responded. "I am the worst person to ask! Trust is a foreign concept, even to me. No, if you want advice in that department, ask Hound Dog. I will arrange an appointment."

Still on edge from the sudden outburst, "Th-Thank you, Nezu."
"The pleasure is mine, Inko." His beady eyes appeared to bore into her very soul as she left.

To think, you are manipulating your mother... or do you really wish to trust her again? Only time will tell... after all, all warfare is based on deception. And if what you told her is true, then war is soon to be upon us.

I must make preparations.

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