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Elianna Grace

Today is the day that I start working on the case. I have to report at 9:30 am sharp at Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital.

I put on a white high neck short sleeve shirt which I tucked in my blue ankle length pants, I put on a pair of open nude heels and tied my hair in a low bun leaving few of my brunette strands of hair out.

I then gather all my case files that I studied over the past few days and head towards the hospital. As  I am on my way to the hospital all I can see is a bunch of police cars surrounding the area. I get stopped by one and I was only allowed to proceed when I showed them my ID for authorization which I was given by the dean the day before, he knew they wouldn't let anyone in because this was such a high profile case so I was personally given an ID through which I'd be let inside the premises.

I park my car and get out holding all my case files in one hand. As soon as I'm out I'm confronted with a man in a blue suit he was pretty tall, had really great hair , light brown eyes and faint beard. He smiled softly extending his hand forward,  "Oliver Jackson, Senior Detective. And you must be Elianna Grace I presume?" "Yes I am, So nice meeting you." I say as we shook hands simultaneously.

"Likewise" he says with a smirk and proceeds to show me around an introduce me to the police officers on scene.

"I'll show you all the information we've found on him and the possible suspects and witnesses to the crime." 

"Alright." I nod as he leads me into the lift, pressing the button which would take us to the the third floor. There was this awkward moment of silence. he kept looking at his feet, while his hands remained in his pockets. I kept looking at the lift waiting until it said three so we could get out. 

He then shows me the third floor where all of the information on the suspects and possible witnesses are kept. "We'll be coming here pretty often. There are informations about other cases as well here, you could always look into it as long as you have your ID they're pretty strict about who comes and goes in." 

"I know, they asked for it at the gate." 

"They would've asked you before you entered the building as well but they didn't cuz I had already introduced you by then." he smiles slowly as he shows me into the break room.

"So why psychology?" He asks looking at me.

"I've always been into it. Studying human behavior, their mind, why they are the way they are it's pretty interesting. Most of it is studying so I could eventually help people."

"Cool." He nods as he points to the things placed in the break room. 

"You like coffee?" he raises his eyebrows. 

"Oh I need coffee" I sigh.

"So do I. Can't live without it" We giggle as he pours out the coffee in two cups and hands me one 

"So why detective?" I ask him repeating his question to him. 

He looks into my eyes and swallows his spit caught slightly aback with that question. He looks down at his feet, the hesitation clearly showing. 

"Always found the cases that were left unsolved didn't do much justice for the family. I always wanted to try and use my profession into helping those victims and their families into reuniting and if not that at least providing closure." He says not looking into my eyes as he gulps down the coffee all down at once. 

He wasn't answering the question completely and he seemed to get pretty nervous after being asked that. 

"Not getting closure can be so hard." I look at him.

His breath stiffens. "Mhm." He looks into my eyes as his looks soften. 

"Done?" He asks looking at my empty coffee cup.

"Yes." I smile.

"We'll head back down now?" He suggests as he was done showing me around. 

"Sure." I nod. 

"It's scary knowing he's out there." I look at him as we head into the lift, facing each other this time.

"It is." He admits.

"How do you do it? Facing criminals all day? listening to what they do to innocent people?" I ask looking at him. I could now see his body language slowly ease into the conversation and get more comfortable as he removes his hands out of his pocket and looks me in the eye while he speaks.

"It never gets easy. I always thought it would after seeing so much for years, but it never really does. Some days are hard. I'll agree." 

"That's rough. You're strong." 

He smiles softly  and says nothing.

He looks at me after a few seconds of silence,"You know, you're beautiful and from what we've spoken you seem extremely smart" he says with a faint smile " It's gonna be really fun working with you. I'm glad you're here."

I smile when just then I realize that the lift door has opened and in front of us stands those same pair of dark green eyes I saw a week ago just piercing through my soul.

He is wearing this beautiful black suit that looks like it costs more than $1000. He's wearing multiple silver rings and the same black wrist watch he wore the other day I saw him. He slicks his hair back as I walk out still maintaining eye contact with him saying "It's you."

Before he could say anything Oliver yells from behind "Are you always this late styles grow the fuck up" and he replies quickly with the most coldest death stare "Fuck off bastard, you're acting like as if you've made a difference by working on this case, all you do is bloody nag."

My eyes meet Olivers who now stands right beside me who looks clearly annoyed. 

They didn't like each other.

"Oliver, come take a look at this." An officer yells loud enough for Oliver to hear as we were standing pretty far from the bunch of police officers. Oliver walks out looking at me as he walks in the front, "Take care." he nods.

"She can take care of herself bitch." Harry rolls his eyes while Oliver gets even more annoyed as he turns around and walks even quicker towards the police officers 

Those same green eyes land back on mine saying "You're the psychology student assisting on this case aren't you" I smile saying " Yeah I am and you are?"

He looks confused but also kinda taken aback like I hurt his ego or something and he says " I'm the most highly paid and successful criminal lawyer in this city?"

"So you're harry styles?" I say "The one and only" he replies in that cocky British accent of his.

"Right." I nod.

He looks at me and smiles and then walks away to read some files, I on the other hand get called by Oliver to come by to look through the evidence.

He says "Mark Thorpe is our guy. He used to be held in this jail for 9 years after killing 14 innocent civilians when just 4 days ago we got to know that he's escaped. Now he hasn't killed anybody but thats because-" I continue "He's waiting for the perfect comeback. For him killing is like art he makes sure he is proud of his work, he meticulously plans each of his kills, targets innocent civilians and creates a show out of it. The reason he hasn't killed yet is because he's planning the most horrifying murder this city has ever come encountered."

He smiles and says "You're good" he then says

I smiled looking at the evidence reports of his previous murders the officers held in their hand but at that moment all I could feel was a pair of green eyes just staring me down from across the compound.

He then walks up to me gently pulling me away from Oliver,  standing in front of me hence facing his back towards Oliver and says, "We need to talk." 

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