Yagi, with a terrible nonchalance, basically said to the underground hero: "He's probably in his room."

Shota Aizawa left the main party and went up to the bedrooms. One was clearly Izumi's. A sign with her name hung on the wall, and a peek in there denoted all her interests. However, he had to check for Izuku's. And when he found Izuku's room, he found a shocking scene.

It was empty. The window was opened, and most of the hero merchandise was trashed. The Allmight poster on the wall, the most prominent and expensive piece in the room, was torn to shreds, irreparable.

A notebook was open on the desk, one page with Allmight signature, covered up with a word: NEGLECTFUL HYPOCRITE. YOU AREN'T A HERO... YOU ALWAYS CARE FOR HER. WHY DO YOU HATE ME?

A lot of similar things were held within that journal. It was vitriolic, and the darkest thoughts of a hurting child. Something that Izuku shouldn't be. Not only that, but it was implied that the boy knew found out who Toshinori was... but in the worst way possible. What happened here...?

Gripping the book, he went downstairs, just in time for Izumi to receive the cake... He couldn't stand it. "Yagi, where is your son?"

 The confused question alone was more than enough cause for alarm. "He's not in his room?"

Narrowing his eyes, the underground hero sharply asked: "You... haven't seen his room recently, have you?"

The blond skeleton's silence was more than condemning. And concerning.

"You mind telling me what this is about?" He showed him the page, filled with pain and misery. Ramblings of a child who had been long abandoned. Of someone who didn't veiw their family as safe. Now that was a cardinal sin.

Everyone stopped to hear this conversation. Even Izumi. She started pouting as soon as the topic of conversation was apparent. Like a petulant child, who hadn't met old man consequences yet.

A blank look escaped the man's gaunt visage. As if he didn't understand what Shota was asking. "What..."
It was then that the dark hero decided to stop beating around the bush: "You neglected your own son, Yagi?"

Like any sane person, nevermind a hero, would say, he refused the allegation on principal. "I never neglected him!"

"The fact he wrote this... and ran away contradicts you... How did he find out your..." He paused for a moment, looking at Izumi. Does she know? Ah, fuck it. She'll learn anyway. Better in the same way as my nephew did. Clearing his throat, he broke the secret in front of everyone. "...that you are Allmight?"

Izumi couldn't believe what Uncle Aizawa just said. Dad was Allmight?! They looked nothing alike! Well... they do have the same hair color, but his is all matted and stuff... and the bangs... but they're crooked and face down... and the eyes... those are similar too... But, as Izumi's world perspective was shaking, not necessarily crumbling, her own father  confirmed it through his words. "I was chasing the sludge villain yesterday. He was a hostage, so I freed him, took the villain, and as I was about to leave he does the idiotic thing and grabs my leg. And then when we land, he asks me if a quirkless person can become a hero."

As soon as those words left his mouth, you could hear a pin drop. Considering the man's quirk, he had every right to question the man's opinion. Without it, he was the same as Izuku. Maybe that gave him a little more sympathy for the boy than most, but the principle was there. "You. Said. What?"
And Yagi, the absolute ass, reaffirmed his position. Not beaming, but not backing down, either. "That a quirkless kid like him can't become a hero."

That was the final straw. "I fight effectively quirkless! Especially against mutant types, since I can't cancel those out! If I can be a hero, he could as well!"

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