Chapter 55 ~ The Vengeance

Start from the beginning

Liv tilted her head at me sarcastically, arms folded across her chest. "You and I both know that's a tall ask from someone that hates you."

"He doesn't hate me," I replied simply. "In fact, he probably doesn't even give me a second thought. Which is why he'll never expect me to plan an attack."

It was quiet for a moment as she watched me pack. Finally, she spoke again: "I'm not going to be able to change your mind, am I?"

I shook my head, zipping up my bag. "Nope."

Liv let out a sigh. "Then I guess I'm coming with you."

That got a reaction out of me - one she was probably hoping for. "What?" I snapped. "No, you're not!"

"Uh, yes I am," she replied, holding my stare as she refused to back down. "This is Klaus Mikaelson we're talking about, Tyler. You can't do this alone."

"If you join me, the chances of you surviving are very slim," I warned her.

"And if I don't join you, the chances of you surviving are zero."

I barked a harsh laugh. "I appreciate your faith in me."

Keeping her arms folded, she gave me a sarcastic look, remaining stubborn. She'd give Kayla a run for her money, put it that way.

I groaned, dropping my head back in frustration. "You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?"


I held her gaze. She lifted her chin defiantly. Finally, I gave in. "You have ten minutes to pack your things and then we leave, alright?"

She nodded excitedly before we left my dorm to visit hers. Once inside, she grabbed a duffel bag similar to mine and began to throw clothes, toiletries and underwear in.

Distracting myself from the lace bra sitting on top, I grabbed a sheet of paper from Liv's desk and a pen. As swiftly as I could, I scribbled out the message I wanted to leave for my sister, praying that she would understand somehow.

"She's gonna be so pissed," I mumbled, placing the letter in an envelope and sealing it.

"She'll forgive you," Liv replied over her shoulder, zipping up the bag. "But you have to make it home alive first."

I said nothing as we left her dorm. Liv locked the door behind us before we hurried downstairs, heading towards the parking lot. She jumped in the passenger's side of my truck as I got in the driver's, tossing our bags in the footwell.

After stopping at Kai's apartment to slip Kayla's letter under his door, I headed straight for New Orleans.

We didn't say much the entirety of the drive. I was too focused on the task at hand - and a little mad at her for manipulating me into letting her join the mission - whilst Liv seemed too nervous to force me to speak.

Or maybe she was just tired? She mostly slept during the night's drive, the soft melody emitting from the speakers filling the empty silence. But I didn't mind. The awkwardness and tension dissolved from the air, giving me a chance to mentally construct a plan.

Early the next morning, we finally arrived at the outskirts of New Orleans. Stopping at the first hotel I found, I pulled into the parking lot then switched off the ignition.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐏 ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now