4.06: Only The Good Die

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Date: 8th Feb


Chapter 55
Katniss's POV

The walk is long, and we soon have to retreat to the sewers because there are too many peacekeepers on the roads. My gut twisted into the tightest knots when Boggs told us to do that. Memories of my Father, the idea that I might end up like him. Not that I have much choice. When you die, you're either buried deep underground or burned into ashes. The two things I'm most scared of.

The waters of the sewer are a brown green, like the forest but a lot less pure. A gun rests in my hand now, heavy and uncomfortable. For some reason, it doesn't seem the same as a bow, even if they are for the same purpose. A bow isn't automated. This is just made for mass killing. And that is uncomfortable as the slick black metal that is in my hands.

Finnick walks next to me, our footsteps echoing throughout the dim tunnels.

I feel bad that I haven't talked to Peeta, haven't acknowledged him, since he woke up. Maybe a part of me is worried it's going to get worse, maybe I'm just trying to shield myself from the possibility of him being lost again. Maybe I'm scared he'll be lost forever. Maybe I'm worried I'll have to take care of Willow on my own.

Maybe I'm scared I'll lose the one person that truly understands, and the arms that calm me. One of the few steady things in my life.

I walk on through the sewers though, not looking back. Never looking back. If I'm not dead by the time this is all over, I can sort it out. A light appears at the end, with Boggs underneath it. It looks almost like we can get out again. Until he signals for us to wait.

A flash of fear crosses his face and he tells us to go.

So we run. I hear a couple screams of people who see what is going on, but Boggs catches up with us, so at least he's okay. We turn many corners, run and get tired. Drag along. One thing that is clear: these tunnels were not made for people, and Snow wanted it that way.


Hazel's POV

I try to calm down a screaming Cressida as we run. I can't blame her for screaming after what Boggs was running from. It made bile rise to my throat. Some inhumane creature. It looked almost in pain, its ghostly skin peeling off at the edges, and I barely got a glimpse at it.

I see Mitchell lag behind, hear Boggs telling us to move on. It's too late- and the mutt gets him. Whatever it is, it must be pretty messed up because I can smell a carcass almost as soon as Mitchell's last scream escapes his mouth.

Leeg 1, Leeg 2, Messalla. And now Mitchell. Already four people gone in just 5 days. At this rate, we'll all be dead within the next couple of weeks.

Eventually I see people getting out of the tunnel, Katniss climbing the ladder to escape. Me, Cressida and Boggs barely get out before the thing starts thrashing at the ladder.

And so we run, run to another house. Probably another Capitol person we'll have to kill. I'm surprised Gale's still here considering half the time he's handcuffed to Castor or Pollux. It amazes me how he escapes death.

It always seems to be the good who die. Only the good.


Finnick's POV

Cressida is crying. So is Pollux. We all knew the consequences of this trip to the Capitol, but already so many people have died it doesn't feel real. Maybe if Hazel pinched me I'd be okay.

"I thought it was just Mitchell," Hazel says from next to me. "I didn't think it would have got Castor as well." I nod.

After a few attempts to help, Cressida runs out the room. She's normally so strong. "I think seeing it broke her," Hazel says, almost like she is reading my thoughts. "And it must be hard for Pollux as well, he's already an avox. I think his brother was one of the few ways he could express his thoughts. And I guess family can be close."

"Were you close? With your family?" I ask.

Her head shakes, the small dark curls atop her head shaking. "No, some stuff happened between us. People say blood is thicker than water, but sometimes it really isn't. And that's okay. You don't have to be okay with abuse. Especially not when it's just for who you love." She sighs. "I guess, sometimes, I feel guilty that they're gone. That I'm still here... But I can't say I loved people who hurt me."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Katniss and Peeta leaving the room, but I barely register it.

"What about you?"

I am startled by the question, to say the least. "I suppose I was... but just the normal way. And even so, I have Annie now. Just like you have Johanna."

"Yeah," Hazel replies, a smile appearing in her breath. "And having her is better than having people who have the same blood as me."


Haymitch's POV

Her breathing is steady now, apparently.

Johanna came in a couple days ago, having inhaled some gas. God only knows what that could have been, not that I believe in a God. If God existed, then surely this wouldn't be happening.

All the while, people who believe in God impress me. That they have faith still, in anything at all. That they believe that after you die, you go to a better place. All I can think is that you are either trapped in your own mind for the rest of eternity or you just... go. That's it. No coming back, or going forward.

Some people probably think that Atheists hate Believers. I don't think they do. I certainly don't. I think we all respect them in some way or another. And secretly wish we could believe that sort of thing too.

When Johanna came in, I begged them to send another team in immediately, and at the very least send Jackson back. Unfortunately, despite my many protestations as well as Clara Everdeen's, Plutarch was insistent it was too late.

"Clara," I say, knocking on their compartment door. I hear the lock click, and Primrose opens it.

"Hello Haymitch," she says.

"Just letting you know Katniss and Peeta are still okay."

She shoots me a look that is nearly as deadly as her sister shooting an arrow. "I know the Hijacking got worse."

"Oh, no no no, it's okay. I spoke to Peeta earlier today, it was just a passing thing. Nobody hurt."

"Oh, okay," she says. "I'll tell mom when she gets back."

Buttercup comes and starts to yell at me. "Time to go then," I say, laughing.

"Bye," she says.

I'm not going to give up on this family I've created. All the broken people, somehow all coming together to fix each other. Most days I check up on the Everdeens, and Annie and Beetee, and recently Johanna.

But then my heart goes out to the ones in the Capitol. To Finnick and Katniss and Peeta and Hazel.

And I hope we can make it out okay. Maybe, for once, the good won't die.

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