3.07: Smile

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Chapter 39
Peeta's POV

This time it's the first doctor I had again. He has brown curls and grey eyes. He looks like either someone from the seam or from District twelve. He wears round glasses and a hearing aid. That's how I recognise him.

"Hello again, Peeta," he says. "So, today we have a plan. We would like you to meet someone. I know it's hard for you at the moment but please, stay calm."

In walks a tall, ginger haired nurse. In his arms, he holds something. It is small.

He hands it to me. 'It' is a small baby. "What's her name?" I ask. I don't know why I said her.

"Willow," says the nurse, smiling.

That's the name I would've chose. And it suits her. She is so fragile. She has light olive skin, a black fluff of hair and bright blue eyes. "How old is she?"

"3 weeks old."

"Hello, Willow," I say, a large smile breaking across my face. The corners of her mouth go up at the edges, clearly trying to smile like me.

I laugh. She is actually quite cute. I'm instantly attached.

Maybe one day I will have my own Willow.


Katniss's POV

"Hey, it'll be okay," Haymitch says.

I take a deep breath. I really hope Peeta doesn't snap again. We walk up to the glass and see Peeta in there. He is talking to a doctor. Here it comes, I think.

The nurse called Jiin walks in, holding Willow. Peeta's eyes are focused on her.

"What's her name?" he asks. At first this seems normal, but then I realise he couldn't have known she was she. I looked at Haymitch to see he was also looking at me. I think the same thing was in both of our minds- he remembers. He has to. How else could be have known?

He has her in his arms, and for a moment I can see the real Peeta; soft and gentle. Calm. Kind. Willow smiles up at him. Her first smile.


We take Willow to see Peeta every day that week. He seems calmer each time. At the end of the week, the doctors decide to do a questions test again. I want to go, but I'm called to a meeting.

I can see Fulvia, Finnick, Messalla, Cressida, a couple others, Plutarch and Haymitch. Coin is there too of course. "Well," Coin begins, "unfortunately, that didn't go too well but at least we got some footage, despite some of it being lost. Beetee is busy preparing it. I wanted to ask about what we could do for another Propo. Plutarch?"

"Well," He says, after Fulvia nudging him. I think the bombing affected his hearing. "We were thinking about sending everyone into district eight. It would spread hope and, overall, show the Capitol we will do anything. Everyone has consented. So, Katniss, will you do it?"

Coin's silvery eyes slide across the air to penetrate my eyeline. If I don't, it's practically a guarantee she will hurt someone. "Okay."


Darker And ColderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora