2.06: Hovercraft

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Chapter 23
Katniss's POV

I hear a knock on the door of the compartment, and Johnna goes to answer it. We have a sort of silent understanding to stay out of each other's way, but we still respect each other.
She opens the door to Haymitch.

"Katniss, Johanna," he says, breathless, "They're going to get them."


Peeta's POV

"Every incorrect or inconclusive answer, Mr. Mellark, there will be consequences. Let's start with something easy, shall we?" The hissing voice of President snow fills my bones with dread and hate.

"First question, so we can test your obedience, do you love Ms. Everdeen?"
I clench my teeth.

"Every time you refuse to answer, we use the venom. I do hope you understand. So, do you love Ms. Everdeen?"

"Well then," he says, "that isn't too hard. Just keep doing that, and you will be fine. Next question, Ms. Everdeen, before her untimely death, was pregnant with your child."

"Yes." I can feel my heart tighten, and I find it hard to breathe.

"And now, she would be how many months?"
"Six," I say. "Almost seven." I tense even more. "Why are you even asking me this?"
"That's none of your concern, Mr. Mellark. Now, was everything you said at the interviews true?"

"Thank you for your honesty so far. Mr. Mellark, tell me, what did you know of the rebel plans concerning the Quarter Quell?"

Snow gives a sarcastic smile. "Oh dear. I thought I could rely on you to be truthful."
I am confused at first, because nobody told me or Katniss anything, and then a blinding pain rushes through my arm, and takes over my head.


What seems like hours later, I am returned to my shared cell.
There is a wound on my arm, which is stained with blood and some orange liquid. It stings my arm.

My head is throbbing and I find it hard to form cohesive thoughts.

As soon as they drop me into the cell, I can see Finnick's mouth moving, and I hear sounds, but they don't form sentences.

I wait a minute and he repeats what he said.

"What did they do to you in there?"

I cast my mind back, but it is a little fuzzy.

"Um.... I think... I... they asked.... questions.... I had to answer.... and if.... if they didn't like the answer.... they pumped this stuff into me," I stutter, holding up my aching arm. It shakes violently. "They... also... hit me. Alot."

Finnick's face turns into a look of sadness, pity, empathy.

I can't think what to do so I try to sleep, but Finnick continues to shake me awake. He says something like 'don't do that,' 'it'll start working,' 'keep your mind blank'. I don't process any of this. I'm too tired. I just want to sleep.


The meadow is calm. The colours are like a painting. Like my paintings. Katniss sits in the meadow, holding our little girl, Willow. I walk over to them. My leg is still there, no prosthetic. Of course there's no prosthetic. There never has been.

I sit with them, and wrap my arms around Katniss. Then the sky goes from blue to orange, and it's not a hug, it's a chokehold. I am killing her. I will myself to stop, but I can't.

The lights leave her eyes.


I wake from my dream by someone barging into the cell.

All the lights are off in the hallway outside.

At first I think the people may be Capitol 'Doctors', but instead of being dressed in white, they are dressed in grey. The colour is a mix between snow and coal. They wear gas masks and on their arms, a mockingjay is printed.

They grasp me and Finnick, leading us out. One of them gives us gas masks to wear, and I put mine on. Two of the strangers are dragging Enobaria. They hold someone else, but I can't tell in the darkness. I see another figure, a woman with red hair. Annie. She runs to Finnick as the people try to force a gas mask upon her, but instead Finnick takes another from them and holds it out to Annie. She takes it, puts it on and the people in grey gear lead us onto a hovercraft outside a window. I realise that I don't actually know whether they are here to save us or here to hurt us, but either way I'm glad to be out of that cell.

The people show us how to belt ourselves into the seats of the hovercraft, and it begins to fly away. Away from the Capitol. Away from Snow. Away from the bad memories. Away.

I look out the small window and see that all the lights are off in the Capitol.

A man comes over and holds out his grey gloved hand for our gas masks, and I take it off and hand it to him. One of the people starts saying that we are going to District 13, and that it will be a long journey, and that someone had specially requested our rescue.

I don't care.

I will find Katniss again.


Katniss's POV

I stand in shock.


"There are people, 13's people," His breaths are short and small, "they're in the Capitol probably about now. Don't shout at me, they only just told me. They're going to get the victors."

"Peeta?" his name escapes my mouth, and brings tears to my eyes.

"Yeah," Haymitch says smiling.

"Who else," Johanna asks.

"Finnick, Annie, Enobaria maybe. They should be coming back in in 4 hours I think."

For the first time I see Johanna smile.


The first thing I did was run to my Mother and Prim's apartment, but only Prim was there. I had told her the news and she was so happy. She told me mom had had to rush to the medical department because they were supposed to have a possible emergency come in and needed full on help. We went down there and found her, and she told us it was for Peeta and the others.

Now I'm pacing around the waiting room, with Haymitch and Johanna sitting down. Multiple times they have tried to convince me to sit, but I can't. There us too much nervous energy inside me.

It has been almost four and a half hours, and we have heard nothing yet.

"So," Johanna says, clearly trying to break the icy silence. "Why haven't we seen Beetee yet?"

"Well," Haymitch replies, "He had the least bad injuries, so as soon as he recovered he was taken to the labs to find a way to hack into the Capitol systems and build weapons."


The conversation drops dead for another ten minutes, and Johanna bursts.

"LOOK, I know you have to deal with mood swings and everything, and you are waiting for your sweetheart to finally come back, but QUIT THE PACING, PLEASE."

I stop and slide to the floor.

Maybe the mission failed. Maybe now people from 13 have given up their lives all in vain-

The door opens, and the man named Boggs steps in. "It's back."

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