3.09: Another Way To See

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Chapter 41
Haymitch's POV

Plutarch stops me as I try to walk out. He has briefed me that Finnick and Annie are getting married. A little quick, I think. And a tiny bit inconsiderate if you think that Katniss and Peeta wanted to do the same thing, and were even having a child, but were stopped before they could marry. The one time they did, and it wasn't official. "Peeta is out of surgery," Plutarch says.

I start to ask, is he okay? Is he better? But Plutarch cuts me off with "He isn't awake yet, and I don't know anything else. Oh, but, I wouldn't tell Ms. Everdeen yet. Might upset her again. Last time we nearly had to sedate her, and I don't want to waste the Mockingjay."

Plutarch is a genius in politics. But in emotions, he really is an idiot. How do they not see the struggles these two are going through? If anything, this news would make her less upset. Well, upset isn't a strong enough word. People here really make a mole hill out of a mountain don't they?

I agree that I won't tell her until the doctors have some results though, because I don't want to be on Plutarch's bad side when he makes irrational decisions. Still, the first thing I do is go to his hospital room. Well, it's called that. Honestly, it's more like a cell.

I stand behind the glass. He has just woken up, they say. I can see he is sitting up. Apparently the operation was a success, but the look on his face speaks confusion.

"Hey, um," I say to a doctor, stopping her in her tracks, "You think it'd be okay if I went in there and talked to him?"

"Uh," she says, looking down at her clipboard, "sure, as long as you are careful We don't know what he's going to be like."

I nod and she lets me in.

The room feels even worse on the inside, knowing that people are watching me from the other side of the wall that's actually glass. Like 13, it's grey.

Peeta's eyes instantly fix on me. "Hey." He doesn't reply for a minute, just stares at me. I rock back on my heels, feeling extremely uncomfortable. "So," I begin, "How are you feeling?" I decide to make eye contact. That's what I'm supposed to do.

"Who sent you?" he croaks out.

I crease my eyebrows. "I asked to come in here, to see you."

The look he gives me is dark. "You haven't been to see me yet."

"I wasn't allowed."

Silence again. Then, "What happened? I had my memories and now... they're... well... there's new ones. Ones that didn't happen."

I sigh. "No, they... they did happen. The surgeons saved them. Otherwise they would've all been changed."

"I... I don't like Katniss," his face is serious. "So why is there this memory. I think you'll know which one I'm talking about."

The night they married. "Well... you loved her then. Anyone could see. You could see it in your eyes, your actions, your very being... We could tell."

"And did she love me?" He is serious. Genuinely.

"She didn't know, I don't think... until perhaps, I don't know, a month before that happened, and I could see she realised she did. And then it happened and... I assume you know the rest."

"Does she still love me?"

This strikes me. I wasn't expecting this. His eyes are like frozen ice in the grey white room. I know people will be watching, so I don't want to expose either of them, but he has the right to know. "Yes. Yeah, I believe she does."


"Well, because you are kind, and funny, and you just loved each other."

He stops. "Does she know that they bring the baby to me?"


"And whose is it?"

"Just some person from 13's," I lie. It hurts to lie to him.


Johanna's POV

The news of Finnick and Annie's marriage is like light in the dark for everyone.

My best friend and the girl I love. Not that I can say anything- she loves Finnick, which is beautiful, and he loves her.

I hear a knock on the compartment door. "It's me," a familiar voice says. I open it to Hazel, who gives me a hug straight away.

Hazel is tall- a lot taller than me- and she has dark brown curls that escape any method of trying to put her hair back, so recently she cut it shorter. She has black freckles that still stand out on her warm skin. Her eyes are like burning embers, dancing firelight, like when they burned wood back in 7. I believe she came from 11, made her way through the forest and became a refugee here 3 years back.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask. She pulls away and pushes the door closed.

I remember when I first came here. She welcomed me, and I found myself liking her. Proper liking her. I found out she also liked girls so I asked her if she was available and now we are here.

"I'm good. Bit stressed, but I usually am so I guess- normal." She smiles that bright smile. "And you?"

"I'm good." I lean against her and she kisses me.


Katniss's POV

I wait outside my Mom and Prim's compartment. I haven't talked to them in ages. I left Willow with Peeta.

I realise I'm supposed to be at lunch, so that's where they will be too. I end up going to lunch for once. I grab some of the grim looking stew. I don't want to know what's in there. I sit down next to my Mom and Prim and my Mom stares at me in disbelief, but Prim hugs me. Her voice is muffled, but I can still hear her say "Thanks for Buttercup."

"It's okay, little duck." My Mom smiles at me. I think she's glad I'm eating. I don't eat much, but at least it's some.

When we are walking back, I see Haymitch.

"Peeta, he's awake."

"Is he okay?" I start frantically.

"Yeah... I talked to him and he... he wants to see you."

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