⨂PART 4: Out Of The Dark

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Hey! Again, if you got this far thank you so much.

It means a lot that people are reading this.

I apologise for some content that may be uncomfortable for some, and if it does make you uncomfortable that's okay and very valid! My DMs are open on both accounts if you want to vent or ask for advice, just remember I'm not a therapist and if the issue is really serious it would be better for you to report it to someone, or tell someone you know that can help.


Pt.4 will be released soon if it isn't by the time you're reading this, so keep an eye out!

If it is released, this is a good time for you to take a break, have a drink, get some food ad a blanket if it's cold and 3am. I don't mind if you go study or read something else or do homework, because that's great! I'm sure you'll come back when you're ready.

So, stay hydrated, take care of yourself, and have a nice time.

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