3.04: Bombs

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Chapter 36
Peeta's POV

When it finishes I have so many questions.

Why do I remember it differently? I know what happened. And it was not that.

"Peeta, what you have just seen is a recording of the 74th Hunger Games. Do you have any questions you would like to ask?"

Yes. "Why is it different?" I ask.

His brow creases, "Different how?"

"That's not what happened. Why did you change it? I hate her. She's a mutt. I should never have allied with her. She tried to kill me. Why did you change it?"

"Peeta, we didn't change anything. These are the true events of the games."

"But that's not what happened. I don't remember any of that."

He sighs. "Can I explain something to you? Okay, well, tomorrow we are going to show you the 75th games. Then we will run over what happened after. There is less footage of that, but we will work with what we have. All this footage is mostly unedited, except for some of the footage from the Capitol; we don't know what they did with any of that. We will also explain some of the things that have gone on more recently. Is that okay?"

I nod, but I am still confused.


All of it is real. The footage. My memories are wrong. Please just let me escape. I just want to be myself or be gone. There's no point in me without my memories. Please.


The doctors are running around frantically. I can hear shouts and whispers at the same time. Calling all the medics urgently.

There was a bombing, apparently, and there was a team in the bombing. The camera team. With the Mockingjay.

Katniss... is she okay? Katniss? please be okay....

I instantly forget the thought as soon as it comes.


From what I hear, a couple of the camera crew were almost fatally injured and in a coma. Finnick got hit in the arm but got away with Fulvia, Cressida, one of the two brothers and someone else I haven't heard of. Plutarch got hit with some shrapnel and has hearing damage.

They don't mention Haymitch directly infront of me, but as far as I can tell he is okay, just a few burns.

I don't hear about Katniss. I hope she died. Then she wouldn't be a problem anymore.

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