2.10: Do All Pains Fade?

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Chapter 27
Peeta's POV

I come back to Haymitch's compartment with a clean pair of shoes for Katniss.

She is sitting now on a chair next to Haymitch lying on a bed, shaking him. "He isn't waking up," she says, "what was he saying about elves?"

I laugh, "I don't know. That stuff must be pretty strong that he was drinking."


Katniss's POV

We call a meeting with President Coin, and it is set for 3 days from now.

"So," Peeta says, "I guess this is our third proposal."

"Yeah," I reply smiling.

"And I'm extremely sorry," he says, "that even on the third one, I still haven't got you a ring."

"You think I care that there's no ring? That doesn't matter. What matters is that we're actually going to be married. And other people will respect that."

"Hey, um," he stutters as he tries to speak, "you know... I don't mind if you keep your name... it's nicer anyway."

"I don't mind either. I like my name. But I also like yours. My name keeps me connected to my sister, my mother, my father, and nothing could stop me from being connected to you. I want this life with you. So much. But if the only way people will see us as together is if I take your name, then I will."


My hand is in Peeta's as we walk away from Coin's office. Peeta looks down at me with a sad smile.

We walk toward Haymitch's compartment, in hope if some sympathy. He lets us in and we all sit down.

"So what did the lovely Coin say about your proposal?" He smirks a little. "Bet she wasn't expecting this. She thinks you are just little kids with no sense of love, commitment... So, enlighten me."

I stare up at Peeta, begging him to speak. Noticing me, he does. "Well... she said... No."

Haymitch's eyebrows crease and his jaw hangs open. "She said what? How can she say no?"

"She said we were too young."

"But- But-" Haymitch struggles for words. "She hasn't thought it through but... she can't do that!"

This is the first time I have seen Haymitch get protective in this way; it will probably be the last, so I join in. "She shouldn't be able to, but clearly she can."

"Yeah," Peeta agrees, "It's just wrong, it's-"

He is cut off as I hunch over, a pain shooting through my abdomen.

"Katniss?" Peeta stands up quickly.

"I'm fine," I say, but double over when another pain strikes in the same place.

"No, sweetheart, you aren't," Haymitch retorts, going to a small phone in the corner. He picks it up and presses a couple numbers. "Peeta, pick her up if you can, take her to the hospital."

His hands lift me from underneath and I start to protest as I am carried into the hallway, but cut myself off by agonising pains running in my uterus. That's when I realise it is something to do with the babies.

Haymitch runs out of his compartment and goes in front of Peeta to get us along the corridors.
I get pains aroumd 3 more times before we get to the hospital rooms. Haymitch calls for a doctor and at least 4 people in medical uniform come running. He explains something to them and they lead Peeta to take me down another small corridor.

They lie me down on a bed in a secluded room. Doctors come in and out, and they keep Haymitch and Peeta out of the room, but I can hear them talking outside, and I hear the words 'contractions' and 'labour'.

I'm giving birth. Here. Now.


Peeta's POV

"What?" I say. It just doesn't seem to be real.

The doctor tries to reassure us, "She is going into labour."

Me and Haymitch are led to a small bench about ten feet away from the door to the room Katniss is giving birth to our children in. I want to be in there with her, but the doctors say they are worried about something or other and think it would be best to keep me out the way. We sit for around half an hour, and every few minutes I can hear sounds of distress coming from the room.

All my instincts tell me to ignore the Doctor's advice, to run to the room and help. But even if I did, how would I help?

The yells become more frequent, and I don't even realise I am standing up pacing. I don't remember standing. I want to rush into the room. And I do. With my hands outstretched towards her neck.

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