1.07: The Roof

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Chapter 7
Katniss's POV

I sit on the roof waiting. I told Peeta to come here with me. I may have been scared by Darius but that's what the Capitol wants, and I can't let it show. Besides I have a more important thing to talk about. 

Soon I hear Peeta come up. He looks a little cautious- probably because the roof is where we come if we don't want what we are saying or doing being recorded. It can also just be peaceful but I know he knows it's the former rather than the latter.

He comes over and we kiss- it feels like a beautiful wild butterfly fluttering around my chest. A feeling of wanting more.

But that's how we got here in the first place.

I pull away, and he clearly becomes sure something is very wrong. "Is it Darius?" He asks.

I wait a second, and reply, "no."

"Katniss I know something is bothering you, and it looks like it has for a while," he says, clearly reading my expression. My memory flashes back to us, sitting in the living room of Peeta's house in Victor's Village. The fire was going, some bread upon it. We kissed and hugged. My mother had wanted me back home so Peeta had lifted me up like a real bride and carried me on his artificial leg to my house. My mother and Prim had already gone to bed by the time we got in. We went to my room and lay on my bed. We did what everyone does on the night of their wedding. Which is exactly what we had just had. We had gone to Peeta's and done the wedding ritual toasting. No guests, but we love each other enough that that did not matter. We just wanted to be together. And we thought we would be able to. Until the next evening of course, when President Snow announced the Quarter Quell. "Katniss?" Peeta's voice snaps me back to reality.

I look up to his face. The curly ash blonde hair that falls across his pale forehead. The soft blue eyes rimmed by blond eyelashes. They look so calm and loving, like they could do no harm. He looks so beautiful.

"Katniss, tell me please."

Finally I work up the courage to say it.

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