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a/n - uh sorry for the title, i couldn't quite figure out what to write up there ^^

The night is cold as Adrien Agreste walks down the empty path from his home to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. An hour ago the boy didn't even have a destination, didn't even know why he was sneaking out in the first place, but when his stomach started rumbling and his dramatic Kwami finally came out of hiding, he knew he had to get food fast.

Marinette's was always his comfort place. Though his trips to her house were as Chat Noir, he was sure he would be welcomed. Marinette's family were as kind hearted as she was, it didn't take sneaking in as Chat Noir to notice that the apple didn't fall far from the tree in that family.

As the door to the bakery swings open, Adrien almost braces himself for who might pop out. If it's Marinette, he knows exactly what to say and he's already picturing her blush. If it's Sabine, he knows how to make her smile while also asking for a bite to eat.

Though, if it's Tom... he hopes that it isn't. Ever since Tom was akumatized, Adrien admits that he doesn't know how to approach the man. He admires Tom, loves the fact that he would do anything for his daughter, yet he's almost jealous of Marinette because of him. In some aspects Adrien wishes that he was a Dupain-Cheng. Maybe then he'd have a father that actually showed his affection.

His mind begins to ease as he sees a shadow of a girl with pigtails pop her head out of the store door to check the streets. Marinette's eyes glance in every direction until they fall on Adrien.

He can't help but let out a laugh as he watches Marinette let out a scream and hide behind the open door as he approaches. "Good afternoon, Marinette." He smiles. "I hope you're still open, I've been dying to take you up on that offer of free taste tests for that macaroon recipe you told me about... am I too late?"

Marinette's face is in shock as she looks up at the blonde. If this were any other day she would've had to tell Adrien no, that the bakery was officially closed. Tonight, however, her parents had entrusted her with the kitchen until curfew. So how was it, then, that Adrien had managed to show up on the only day in the history of her entire life where her parents left her alone in the bakery?

"Wow, what perfect timing! No. Uh, I mean, no it's not too late! You can absolutely not come in. I mean!" She takes a deep breath before walking out on to the side walk and offering the door to Adrien. "Come in." She hides her pain in a small grin.

Adrien returns the grin as he walks through the door, ignoring a pestering Plagg who has made it his mission to tug at Adrien's shirt whenever he misses something. He remembers a conversation with Plagg not to long ago about how Adrien always misses the signs. When Adrien asked what signs he was exactly missing, Plagg only rolled his eyes. Look, whenever you miss something I'll tug at your shirt, okay? Maybe then you'll figure things out. Unfortunately, Plagg had only made Adrien more confused and the more that Plagg tugged on his shirt in his every day life, the more oblivious Adrien got.

As the two set up in the kitchen, Marinette counting her ingredients while Adrien stared fondly at her from the bar stool, the tugging at his shirt grew more rapid. He flicked Plagg away with a pinch of his fingers and tried focusing back on Marinette. "So what flavors are you making tonight, my little baker?"

Marinette's cheeks flush as she opened her mouth to answer. Unfortunately, the words just didn't come out. She wishes that she could talk to Adrien as a normal person would, wishes that they could be friends. But with just the way that Adrien was looking at her making her blush, she knows that she's too far in.

"Cake." She says, knowing damn well that her answer had nothing to do with what Adrien just asked.

"Cake." Adrien repeats, a smirk forming across his lips. "Okay, cake. What flavor, then?"

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