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(check below for the 1st author's note ever in this book)



Warning: Physics jokes that would make my teacher proud and make my classmates kill me.

This is kinda a LadyNoir fic. With Physics. Did I mention the horrible very few physics jokes in this one?

"Are you the center of gravity? Because my life revolves around you."

A groan could be heard from Ladybug (and the other side of the electronic screen) as the superhero duos jumped from rooftops, heading towards their patrol route for that night.

"Chat please, don't you get tired of making puns all the time?" Ladybug asked in exasperation.

"Nope." Chat said, popping the 'p'. "Because we're Newton's Third Law."

Ladybug was reluctant to ask. "And that means?"

"Force always exist in pairs." Chat grinned. "So we're in an equilibrium."

"So that means every time you advance, I pull away." Ladybug shot back with a smirk.

Chat opened his mouth in disagreement, but then closed it, a frown on his face. "Okay, I didn't think that through."

Ladybug laughed and just that sound sent a pleasant jolt through his system like electricity.

Suddenly, Ladybug missed a step from the side of a building and started to fall. "Chat!"

Chat Noir, oh that kitty she was going to kill him, just stood there with a thoughtful look on his face. With a frustrated growl, Ladybug threw her yo-yo to hook on a chimney but Chat intercepted it and continued to let her fall.

Leaping down, Chat landed on the ground and caught her in his arms.

"Chat Noir you are so dead-" Ladybug raged as she struggled in his hold.

"So did you fall in love with me, my lady?"

Ladybug paused. "What?"

Chat just grinned at her and it clicked in place. "Did you just let me fall to make that joke?!"

"I was just kind of hoping that you would, y'know...fall in love with me."

Chat Noir expected a growl and a rejection. What he didn't expect was a growl of 'I didn't think it'd be literally' and a slam on his lips with hers.

He was so surprised, he actually dropped her, making her land painfully on the ground. Realizing his mistake, he sank down and said, "I-I'm so sorry my lady! But you just kissed me and I blacked out - you kissed me!"

Ladybug smiled at him. "Looks like you fell for me. Although I'm the one who literally fell."

Chat blinked and said, "Oh but that's where you're wrong, my lady. Because I've already fallen for you since a long time ago."


She finally fell for him! Literally! Yay!



This is my most favorite reveal fic out of all that I have written even if it's extremely short. I'm already laughing while typing this out XD

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