Mon Chaton

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"Well then, I have to bid you farewell for tonight, princess." Chat Noir said from his perch on her balcony. Marinette smiled at him, her eyes shining with amusement.

She leaned forward and rested her chin on her palm. "And what if I said I don't want you to go?"

Chat's heart skipped a beat as he gaped at her forward change of attitude. Heat crept up in his cheeks. "I – uhhh, didn't um-"

She threw her head back and laughed; the sound twinkling in the silent night. For a second, he could feel within him a familiarity in that sound, voiced out on top of the Eiffel Tower on a windy patrol night. But then he was snapped out of his thoughts as Marinette reached up and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Bonne nuit, chaton." Marinette said with a warm smile.

Chat, not trusting his voice, just nodded and leaped off towards his big mansion, the press of her lips burning on his skin.

This was just another random night visiting a friend who stayed up late. This wasn't supposed to start something new. But with that simple gesture...

Inside him, the voice of denial was finally defeated. In its place stood the voice of truth.

Chat Noir – Adrien – was starting to have feelings for a certain classmate of his.

Maybe with even the same amount of affection he had for Ladybug.

This is not good! Not good! Pawful! Catastrophic!

Adrien had inkling that he was already boring a hole through his bedroom floor, what with his pacing back and forth, his mind running a hundred miles per hour. His hair puffed up around his head due to him running his fingers through it.

Plagg looked through bored eyes from the computer monitor as he watched his charge walk around in agitation.

"What am I going to do, Plagg?!" Adrien cried out, frustration laced in his voice.

"What?" Plagg replied back.

"I-" Red rose up in his cheeks as he stopped in the middle of his room and said in barely a whisper, as though he was afraid to admit it, "I think I like Marinette."

Now the redness had full-out blown on his face as he looked at his kwami, who in turn, looked back, apathetic. "Congratulations." And he went back to munching on his camembert.

"You don't get it Plagg!" Adrien growled out in frustration. "The big problem is that she doesn't know I'm Chat Noir!"

"So?" Plagg raised an eyebrow at him. "Just tell her you like her."

"I can't!" The boy protested.

"Why not?"

"She likes Chat Noir, not Adrien! Whenever she's near Adrien, she stutters and looks like she ate a worm or something. But when she's with Chat Noir, she speaks normally, flirts back, and is just so easy-going." Adrien sighed. "What's the difference? It's still me."

Plagg shook his head. Humans. "How do you even know she likes Chat Noir? Last time I remember, Ladybug also does those things with you, yet doesn't seem to reciprocate your feelings."

Adrien paused. He slowly looked at Plagg with wide eyes. The kwami realized his mistake to late.

The young superhero returned to moaning and griping about his love life. Plagg groaned. Out of all the Chat Noirs that the Guardian picked for him, Adrien had to be the one who complicated over everything.

Adrien flopped on the pillows of his bed. He mumbled, "This is so confusing."

"You humans are so weird. That's why cheese is so much better."

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