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Get ready to burst your UwU's and melt your heart...

Adrien giggled as he ran around with the other kids around his age. He didn't know many of them well- they were the kids of his parents' friends- but since he had a nanny instead of going to daycare and was going to be homeschooled once fall came around, it meant that he didn't normally hang out with other kids besides Chloe and he was happy whenever he did get the chance. The older ones he didn't like as much- Adrien was pretty sure they had said they were seven and therefore too old to play with little babies (he didn't know what they were talking about- the only babies were over with their parents in the next room), and they kept making mean jokes about people they went to school with. The others were nice, though, and Adrien hoped that maybe there would be more of these get-togethers in the future.

"Let's play hide and seek! It'll be fun!" a girl around Adrien's age announced, bouncing up and down on her toes. She pointed at Walter, one of the seven-year-olds. "Walter, you count!"

Instead of counting, Walter scowled and let out a long stream of bad words. Adrien's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Those were really bad words, the kind of words that, if he ever said them, would put Adrien in time-out for a day- no, a week! And all of those words together, all at once?

If Adrien had said that, he would be in time-out for a bajillion years.

Walter added a few more choice words as all of the younger kids gaped at him, and then he and his friend stomped away from the rest of the group, muttering something about immature babies and their games. The other kids started muttering among themselves, but Adrien knew what he had to do.

Leaving the group, Adrien ran as best he could with his short, pudgy legs towards the room where all of their parents were chatting and eating yucky grown-up sandwiches. He tripped a few times as his feet got in the way of each other, but it didn't slow him down much as he tumbled into the adults' room.

"Mama!" Adrien announced, trotting over to his mother and tugging at her arm. "Mama, Walter said-"

And then he repeated exactly what the older boy had said.


Emilie Agreste had been having a fairly good day, all things considered. For the first time in years, all of her friends managed to come to their scheduled get-together. Normally at least one or two would be busy and unable to come, either because of work or because of a sick child. She had had to miss the last two get-togethers herself, the first because of an international trip with Gabriel to a runway show in New York and the second because Adrien had been sick and throwing up after catching a fever.

This time, though, they were all together again, and Carlotta was making everyone laugh as she told stories about her recent trip through Italy. She had brought both of her kids along, and apparently they had been less than impressed with the international travel.

"The car rides were the worse," Carlotta complained as the whole group nodded in sympathy. They all had been there before, with squirmy kids that didn't exactly appreciate being cooped up in the car for a ride across town, never mind a several-hour drive. Emilie and Gabriel had gotten lucky with Adrien; while he could be high-energy, running all over the house and tripping over furniture, rugs, and his own feet alike, he was also very good at sitting still and not complaining when needed. He would ask politely for a break during long car rides, and then they could find the nearest ramp to pull off on so Adrien could stretch his legs a bit before they continued. Even at just five, he was very polite and so very smart.

Emilie allowed herself a brief moment of gloating. Sure, part it was luck that she had gotten such an easy child, but there was a lot of gentle guidance and teaching that had gone into it too. She had sat out of several international trips with Gabriel to stay home with Adrien when he was younger, using the time to teach him how to tell adults what he wanted without complaining. It had worked- Adrien was a very smart child- and it had prepared Adrien for when he did go along on the trips.

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