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Don't blame me for such a weird name, I couldn't find one for today's Y...
Previously titled as "Broken Cameras"

The police of Paris were very, very puzzled.

No, this time they weren't confused by the akumas and at a loss as to how to deal with the whole Hawkmoth situation. This issue had nothing to do with how a very large segment of the population of Paris wanted Ladybug and Chat Noir to get a stipend for saving the city over and over again and nobody in the force had any idea how to set up accounts for the superheroes. They weren't perplexed (for now, at least) as to how to deal with the pesky tabloid reporters that kept trying to follow Ladybug and Chat Noir when they made their retreats, knowing full well that it could endanger the heroes' lives when they tried to push themselves too hard to escape.

No, this time they were confused over what seemed to be a new spree of petty vandalism.

All over the city, security cameras were being destroyed and no one had any clue how. The only indications that the camera was no longer in working condition was the shattered lens and wiring that sparked out as soon as the lens itself was replaced. It had happened before, of course- but on a much smaller scale- but this time, something was different.

The memory cards and the computer disks that held the information from the cameras were destroyed as well. Singe marks covered them, and it was impossible to get any good information off of them. Normally camera tampering cases were open-and-shut- just look at the card to see whose face was in the lens last, and then put out a notice to all officers to find that person. Sometimes it was intentional vandalism and they would have to try to get fingerprints to go along with the half-covered face, but that wasn't the case now.

There was no video, no fingerprints, and- with the exception of the shattered lenses- no indication of on the outside of the cameras that someone was tampering with them. It was very, very weird, and very concerning.

But they were positive that they would solve this case. It couldn't possibly be that hard to do.

"That was so close!" Marinette exclaimed quietly to Tikki as they left the alley she had just detransformed in. "Wow. I thought that akuma would get us for sure! I really hope Hawkmoth doesn't make an akuma like that again. Chat Noir and I barely won!"

"You'll get better at working together and fighting the akumas, Marinette," Tikki said, peering up at Marinette from inside Marinette's purse. "I promise! It always takes a while for Ladybug and Chat Noir to really get the hang of their powers. And Hawkmoth already knows how to use his, since they're fairly straightforward. Maybe he'll get a little better at designing effective akuma, but the Butterfly Miraculous' powers aren't exactly something that can be controlled very easily, especially when Nooroo is being forced to transform against his will."

Marinette let out a sigh of relief. "That's good! Hopefully the fights will start getting a lot shorter, too. I hate missing so much class and not being able to have any free time to design because an akuma interrupted my homework!"

"Some might be shorter, but some akuma will always take a bit of time to take down," Tikki said, making a face. She looked up at Marinette again as they rounded a corner, headed back for the bakery. "But maybe you and Chat Noir could cut down on patrols. That would give you more free time!"

Marinette frowned at that. "But aren't patrols important?"

Tikki's little face screwed up even more. "I mean..."


"They're really not!" Tikki defended. "You've never found an akuma while you were out, and even if you did, I would already be a little tired from keeping you transformed. They're important so that you can catch up with Chat Noir on a regular basis and touch base in case you need to get in contact...but they could probably be shorter, and only a few nights a week."

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