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(takes place-S1)

It just had to be Alya discovering his superhero identity that was the icing in his cake of bad luck. Chat Noir froze as he heard a gasp of shock behind him. Slowly he turned around and met the hazel eyes of hers.

He had accidentally transformed into Chat Noir.

In front of Alya.

What she said next wasn't what he expected though.

"Oh hell no. No way. Nu – uh. Nope!"

"Alya! Calm down!"

"How can I calm down when my classmate-" She was about to say that Marinette's crush was a superhero and was crushing on Ladybug, stopped in time and finished with, "-is a superhero?!"

"Alya, please! You can't tell anyone!" Chat Noir pleaded, and then jumped as screams filled the air. "Swear it! You can't put this into Ladyblog!"


"I trust you Alya."

And with that, Chat Noir bounded away to save Paris once more, leaving a girl reporter in distraught.

How was this going to work?!


It was unintelligible for a reporter to say something like that. But at the moment, that was the only word that had popped up in her head as she watched Ladybug ranting about why it was dangerous-for-a-cilivian-to-film-a-dangerous-battle-so-closely-and-are-you-listening-to-me-Alya?

Alya gaped at her, her jaw slack. Ladybug was fuming at the young reporter. It barely came out like a whisper.

"You're Marinette."

Okay, now rewind to an hour ago.

There was another attack, and of course, Alya had to be there to get the scoop of the famous superhero duo in action. Jumping over a fallen motorcycle, Alya skidded towards a tree just a few meters away from the heat of the battle.

"I'm here, live in front of Notre Dame, filming the latest battle between Ladybug and an sponge-looking akuma. Seems like someone had forgotten to take a bath today." Alya snickered as she continued filming, narrating the battle as it went on.

Suddenly, a car flipped over and started falling towards Alya. Her eyes widened as the vehicle's shadow cast over her.


A silver baton shot out, ramming the car out of the way just as a yo-yo wrapped around the reporter's waist and flew her away from the radius of the battle and on the safety of a rooftop.

Only when Ladybug made sure that Alya was safe, no broken bones, eyeglasses still intact, did she finally explode her pent-up feelings.


The young girl winced as she tightened the grip on her phone. Ladybug's cheeks were red, her eyes wide with anger and worry. Alya had faced Marinette's line of anger before (albeit more directed at Chloé) but being scolded by a superhero was a whole entire experience.

"I'm sorry...?" Alya said sheepishly.

"Sorry is not going to cut it, Alya!" Ladybug snapped. She paced back and forth across the balcony, arms waving around in distress. "You've done this too many times! I've lost count how many times Chat Noir and I have to save you from danger just because you were filming for your Ladyblog!"

"But then how can I get a scoop if I won't be able to film from a near enough-" Alya started.

"YOU WERE ALMOST SACRIFICED ONCE!" Ladybug screeched. "And I don't know if the Miraculous can send people back from the dead and I don't plan on knowing!"

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