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As promised, this one-shot is 3 pages long... 

"Miraculous Ladybug!!"

The darkness ebbed away and Chat Noir shook his head from the momentary loss of control and memory. He looked up as a red gloved hand reached out to him. He returned the smile Ladybug gave as he took her hand and let her pull him up.

"I was under the akuma villain's control again, huh?" Chat Noir said miserably as they did their signature fist bump. "I'm sorry I got in the way again, my lady."

"Chat that's not-" Ladybug started to protest, only to get drowned by the heads of microphones shoved in front of her face. He nimbly stepped back, blending in the shadows of the crowd and under the shelter of the Eiffel Tower's beams. Fame loved him, but he didn't love it back.

As Chat Noir watched from the distance, he wondered if he really was worth this superhero business. Power came with a price, especially when the power involved destruction. Most especially when his emotions would run rampant, causing reckless actions and –

"Chat Noir? May I have a word?" A monotonous voice spoke from behind him. He jumped in surprise and whirled around. A woman in a business suit held out a recording device in front of her, the other hand holding a tablet with a list of questions on the screen.

Chat Noir gave his signature smirk and said, "Ask away."

"How do you feel about being pegged as a supervillain?"

He froze. The question hung in the freezing air. Chat Noir's smile wobbled as he said, "Well, I don't-"

"While it is true that you were the main morale boost of Ladybug when this whole fiasco started, lately you have, more often than not, come under the control of the villains." The woman said, her voice as clipped as her heels on the cement. "Is it because of many a complicated thing in your civilian life or is it because of the influence of the darkness within you due to your destruction powers?"

An unsettled feeling fluttered inside him. He knew he shouldn't listen to negative comments like that, but how could he not? If not for Ladybug claiming they were a team, he would've been marked as a villain a long time ago. Chat Noir pushed down the wavering emotions of insecurity and said with a grin, "Don't worry, I won't-"

"How can we know Paris will really be safe if it were not for Ladybug?" She said, taking a step forward. He took a step back. Sweat beaded on his forehead. "How can we know that you won't turn your back on us? From the Christmas day a few days ago, it seemed as though you were ready to bring down that Christmas tree."

Chat Noir's heart skipped a beat. Did she see him detransform too?! She answered his unspoken question. "I was in a meeting so I couldn't see what happened next, but you were really intent on bringing it down, your eyes glinting with rage and villainous intent and whatnot. Who is to know when you'll set those eyes on us?"

Chat Noir's back bumped on the icy steel frame. The woman snapped, "Tell me, Chat Noir!"

"Get the hell away from him." A low growl spoke up from behind the reporter. Both of them jumped in fright at the sheer anger in the voice. The woman turned around and her eyes widened in fear. Ladybug's mouth was set in a deep scowl, her hand shaking from the raging emotions inside her, the interview with the press abandoned.

"You don't know a thing about Chat Noir." Ladybug said dangerously, taking a step towards her. The reporter tried to run away, but Ladybug grabbed her collar and drew their faces in close. There was unbidden fury in her eyes. "How dare you ask these questions when he risks his life to keep Paris safe?! How dare you question his intentions when he has done all he can is so that you will live without any fear from akuma attacks?! Paris wouldn't be this safe if it wasn't for him and this is how you repay him!?"

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