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When Marinette found out that Chloe was Queen Bee, she was positive she was seeing things. Alya had already mistakenly identified Ladybug as Chloe once; she didn't need to misidentify another superhero as the spoiled girl. What was next, Nino thinking that Rena Rouge was actually Chloe? Rose suspecting that Chat Noir was Chloe masquerading as a punning cat-boy?

She wasn't going to add to that series of mistaken identities.

Except as a superhero herself, she knew what to look for. Queen Bee's hair was kind of like Chloe's, and her eyes were similar, and Chloe went missing whenever Queen Bee showed up (Marinette had paid attention), and she had definitely heard Sabrina complain about Chloe vanishing without warning more and more often.

Besides, there was the teensy tiny fact that Marinette- well, Ladybug, technically- had seen Queen Bee fly into an alleyway. There had been a flash, and then Chloe walked out. That was pretty good evidence by itself.

So Marinette decided to have a little fun with it.

Chloe didn't like Marinette, that was a known fact. Chloe didn't like most people, unless they could do something for her. But Queen Bee, as a superhero, had to conceal her true feelings and act kindly towards everybody. She hadn't been outstandingly prickly towards anyone, really (and knowing what Marinette did, that was surprising), but it still stood to be seen if Queen Bee would extend that tolerance to Marinette.

So Marinette decided to flip Chloe's behavior towards Ladybug right back on her. She was going to become Queen Bee's biggest fan for a day (well, pretend to be Queen Bee's biggest fan for a day, at least) and see if Queen Bee was even half as good at pretending to tolerate Marinette as Ladybug was at tolerating Chloe. Of course, she wasn't going to do anything ridiculous like talk smack towards Chloe around Queen Bee (a courtesy that Chloe had not extended to Marinette around Ladybug; thankfully Chat Noir had been putting a quick stop to that whenever Chloe tried it, even before they shared their secret identities), but Chloe disliked her enough based on absolutely nothing that it shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, Marinette mused a week later as she snuck away during an akuma attack to transform into Ladybug, it would be a bit difficult to find a time when Marinette and Queen Bee actually interacted. She wasn't going to waste time by staying Marinette during akuma attacks when she could be transforming, especially considering that, if any of the superheroes were going to be interacting specifically with her, it would be because she was being targeted. If that was the case (and it didn't happen often), she was far safer as Ladybug. She wasn't going to tempt fate just to annoy Chloe.

Even if it would be funny.

Her opportunity came almost two months after the new superheroes joined. An akuma had decided to go after Marinette because she put him in his place after he had claimed that girls didn't know anything about video games. For whatever reason, being wrong had thrown the GamerBro into a rage and now, Marinette was once again being targeted for being both a gamer and a girl.

"We need to go protect her!" Rena Rouge exclaimed as the four of them peered around for the akuma, stomping a foot. "We don't know where the akuma is right now and she could get hurt!"

Queen Bee didn't look impressed. "So then she gets hurt. Ladybug's Cleaning Light will fix her up again."

Rena Rouge growled. Chat Noir would have, had Ladybug not elbowed his side first. He pouted at her and she rolled her eyes right back at him.

"You've protected people in the past before, right?" Rena Rouge demanded, turning on Ladybug and Chat Noir. They promptly rearranged their expressions into something more appropriately concerned. "I know you have, I've seen the videos and heard the accounts. You've protected the mayor's daughter before a bunch- not that she deserved it- and the Agreste kid once or twice, and Marinette at least once before, so why the hesitation now?"

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