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"Lighter on the fingers, Adrien! This is Mozart! Think of twinkling little stars, of stones skipping over a stream, butterfly kisses. Too much pressure on the fingers, be gentle."

Adrien's eyes pore over the music as his fingers jumped on black and white keys.

"Nice, nice, now ease back a little. It's a piano at this part, and then, crescendo! Fortissimo!"

The notes glided up and down in quick successions before ending into a trill in the right hand. A two beat pause, and the passage repeats.

Adrien's eyebrows were furrowed as he concentrated on the notes. Unfortunately, his mind had already wandered and now he was just playing the piece, his fingers pressing the keys by instinct.

His teacher, however, noticed and she sighed. "Okay, Adrien, stop. Take a rest."

Adrien let out a breath he was holding as he dropped his hands from the piano and at his sides. Madame Ami smiled at him. "It looks like you didn't bond with Mozart very much for the past week."

Adrien grinned sheepishly at her. Madame Ami pulled out her phone and said, "Well then, since I'm feeling a little hungry right now, why don't you pull out Chopin while I order macaroons."

He grinned as he tucked away the Mozart concerto and arranged the Chopin waltz in front of him. Madame Ami was the only one who actually let him eat in between meals during their lessons.

Flexing his fingers, he started to run through Chopin's waltz in C sharp minor Op.64, no.2



"Marinette, could you answer the phone please?" Her mother's voice called out from the kitchen.

Marinette ran down the stairs. "Coming!"

As it reached the third ring, Marinette snatched up the receiver and said automatically, "Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, how may I help you?"

"Konnichiwa, Ma Cherie." A woman's light voice spoke up from the other side. Marinette brightened.

"Madame Ami!" Marinette pulled out a checklist and a pencil. With a grin, she said, "What would you like this time?"

"20 macaroons, the regular." Madame Ami said. Marinette wrote it down. "Oh, and a bag of chocolate chip cookies as well."

"Is that for your student?" Marinette asked as she pulled out a box and a pair of tongs, and headed to a corner of the bakery. "Who is it this time? And where?"

"His name is Adrien Agreste. Maybe you've heard of him."

Marinette squeaked as she almost dropped the phone. Adrien?! She was mentoring Adrien right now?!

"Ma Cherie? Is everything okay?"

Marinette righted the phone underneath her chin and quickly pulled out the piano teacher's order. "Peachy! I uhh, was kind of surprised for a second there."

"Hmmm." There was a hint of amusement in her voice. "If it isn't too much, why don't come and deliver it here?"

"I-I couldn't! I-I mean, I'd be intruding in your lesson!" Marinette stammered, internally screaming at herself for being so stupid! Accept her offer idiot! Stop being so stubborn Marinette!

"That's fine. We've got plenty of time." Madame Ami said cheerily. "Well then, see you in a while Ma Cherie."


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