(42) New werewolf?

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Once they had found Stiles and the group was informed, Alex went straight to his house, leaving the group of werewolves to figure out what Gerard wants.

She knocked on the front door and the sheriff opened.

"Hey Mr. Stilinski. Can I come in?" She asked him.

"Yeah, he's upstairs in his room, you can go up there." He told her and let her in.

"Thank you." She gave him a small smile before going up the stairs.

Once she stopped in front of Stiles' room she knocked on his door.

"Dad, I said I'm fine." Stiles said when he heard the knock but Alex just knocked again.

"Oh, come on, Dad. How many times..." Alex heard Stiles say right before he opened the door.

He froze in his tracks seeing Alex standing in front of him.

"Hey." He greeted her, and she hugged him.

"Oh, hi." He said in surprise when she first hugged him.

"Are you okay?" She mumbled into his shirt.

"Well, yeah, I guess." He said and she pulled away from the hug.

"Oh.. what happened to your face?" She asked seeing the bruises on his face.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it. I'm fine." Stiles brushed it off.

She didn't believe him. She wanted to know what really happened. And so, without even knowing it, she read his mind.

"Oh my god. Gerard kidnapped you?" She asked covering her mouth.

Stiles shushed her dragging her into his room.

"How- what- Allie- huh?" Stiles stumbled upon his words.

"I cannot believe Gerard would dare to do that. And kidnapping Erica and Boyd too?" Alex paced back and forth in front of him. "We have to tell Scott."

"No. No we are not telling Scott. He had enough on his mind right now." Stiles said and she furrowed her brows.

"Are you okay?" She asked him. He didn't seem okay.

"Yes, Allie. I'm fine, okay? You don't have to worry." He told her and sat down in his chair. "Just please, let this go."

She nodded reluctantly and looked around his room, her eyes landing on a Macy's bag on his shelf.

She went over there and picked up a gold tinted bracelet.

"Why do you have women's jewellery?" She asked him.

"Oh." Stiles stood up quickly, grateful for the change of topic but he felt a bit embarrassed. "Uh, nothing, it's just some stuff I bought, you know, for your birthday."

"For me?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, I just, didn't know what to get you, so I asked Lydia, and she told me to just get you jewellery or girl stuff so I just bought you, like a bunch of stuff." Stiles chuckled. "Like a lot of stuff."

Alex looked down at all of the stuff on the shelf, it really was a lot. And even though, she didn't care much for gifts, it still warmed her heart that he actually cared this much.

"You know, I was gonna return anything that I didn't give you." Stiles said and Alex turned around chuckling.

She noticed a big box next to her and looked at it before looking back at Stiles.

"Really? A flat screen TV?" Alex raised her brows at the teenage boy.

"Yeah that I'm definitely returning." Stiles chuckled and Alex smiled at his awkwardness but they were interrupted by Stiles phone ringing.

Teen Wolf § Stiles Stilinski § Where stories live. Discover now