(14) Car trouble

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"Allison, when you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping, a five-mile him in the woods was not what I was expecting." Lydia breathed as Allison led her and Alex through the woods.

"Yeah, I agree Allison. Why are we out here?" Alex asked out of breath.

"Before I forget, Lydia, I wanted to ask if you're okay with something." Allison said. "Jackson asked me to the winter formal."

"Did he?" Lydia asked in a high pitched voice.

"Yeah." Allison said. "Just as friends. But I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it first."

"Sure. As long as it's just friends." Lydia answered.

Alex was so confused as to why Allison even wanted to go out with Jackson.

A few moments later Allison was putting together some type of arrow.

"What does that do?" Alex asked when she was screwing the arrowhead into the arrow.

"We're about to find out." Allison smiled before standing up and pulling the arrow line or whatever it is and aiming at some tree before letting it go.

When the arrow hit the tree there was a small explosion and the three girls were all startled.

Alex and Lydia stood behind Allison as she lowered the bow.

"What the hell was that?" Lydia asked calmly.

"I don't know." Allison answered.

After a few seconds of just standing there Lydia broke the silence.

"Well, that was fun!" Lydia said sarcastically as she clapped her hands together. "Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out?"

Suddenly they heard a sound of some branches breaking and they all looked in the direction it came from.

The sound came again and Lydia and Alex became uncertain of what to do as they all looked around themselves to see if anything was there.

Alex was annoyed she didn't bring Stiles bat, but she thought they weren't gonna need it since they were going shopping.

"Hold this." Allison said and handed the bow to Alex without looking at the two girls.

"What? Why?" Alex asked.

"Because I thought I heard something." Allison explained.

"So what if you heard something?" Lydia asked.

"So, I want to find out what that something is." Allison told them.

"Can't we just leave?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry. It's probably nothing." Allison said.

"Well, what if that nothing is something and that something is something dangerous?" Lydia questioned with a hint of fright in her voice.

"Shoot it." Allison said determined and Lydia slightly whimpered.

Allison returned a little bit later and they all left to go shopping.

Allison drove Alex home afterwards and right after getting inside Stiles called her.

He told her to come over because he needed some help.

She asked him why but he didn't tell her and made her come over.

She went downstairs and saw her parents sitting in the living room watching sitcoms.

"Hey, I'm just going over to Stiles' for a little while." Alex told them as she got her shoes on.

"Okay, don't be too late." Wanda said to her just before the couple laughed at something on the tv.

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