"I love it, Lou!" I giggle, running over to him and bending slightly, picking him up by the waist, making him yelp.

He laughs, wrapping his legs around my waist whilst I swirl us around. His sweater paw hands rest either side of my jaw, thumbs thumbing my cheeks with a soft smile. He scans my face and brings our lips together, his lips taste like peppermint and slightly sticky but it's perfect.

I pull away, tilting my head to the side. "Peppermint?"

He shrugs. "Had a candy cane."

My brows crease. "It's not Christmas yet!" I argue.

He sticks his tongue out, licking my nose. "It's never too early for Christmas, Curly. Now shut up and carry me to my room so I can get changed!"

"Aren't you going as you are?" I ask, looking at his lavender knit jumper and black jeans.

He shakes his head whilst I walk clumsily, almost falling into the door frame, making Zayn snort from where he sits on the kitchen island, Liam between his legs, beers in their hands. Louis flips him off. 

"Na, I wanna wear my sparkly jumper," He states to me. I set him down onto his room floor and he walks over to his wardrobe. "Can you get me a beer ready, baby boy?"

I nod, smiling. "Of course, darling." He winks to me whilst I walk out the room.

I go over to the fridge and grab two beers, popping off the lid of both and taking a sip from one. I stand beside Zayn, leaning against the counter.

"Cute hair," He says with a smile.

My cheeks dust pink and I look down to the glass bottle in my hand. "Lou did it."

Liam nods. "He's always been good with hair, having so many siblings."

Zayn nods and hums in agreement. "You looking forward to tonight?" He asks me.

I chew my lip and shrug. Truth is, I'm a little nervous. Loud noises I hate, especially ones like fireworks. The bangs remind me of when dad used to throw fits, chucking bottles at the walls and stuff. It also reminds me of that one bonfire night when the fireworks were going off and dad-

"Why'd ya shrug? You're not looking forward to it?" Zayn asks and I flinch, looking up to him, coming back to the here and now.

I swallow and nod. "I am! I just... I don't like fireworks," I whisper the last part.

Liam frowns. "That's okay, H! Everyone has something they're not comfortable with. I don't like the noise of foxes, I always think it's someone getting bloody murdered."

Zayn nods. "I don't like the sound of Louis moaning whenever he fucked men."

Liam chokes on his beer at that and I flush. Yeah, I didn't like that either. But if he moaned for me? Then...

Marie walks into the room, Niall trailing behind. "I don't like Niall's annoying fucking face."

Niall gasps, crossing his arms. "You love it. You wish you could snog it off."

She shakes her head. "I'd much rather listen to Louis and Harry and Zayn and Liam all having sex at the same time, than to snog you off."

Niall pouts, stalking over to the fridge and grabbing a beer. 

"What's this about Liam and Zayn shaggin'?" Lou asks, walking into the room now with a navy blue sparkly jumper on, the sleeves covering his knuckles and it makes him look all soft with his fluffy hair and blush cheeks.

I hand out his beer. "Apparently you and me fucking, too," I mumble to him when he jumps onto the counter beside Zayn, spreading his legs slightly and pulling me between them. 

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now