Rising From Ashes

Start from the beginning

"This mystery has haunted me for years." Ragnar nodded in understanding. He knew more that what he was letting on.

 "He is a lovely child no doubt but I have to protect my pack. I cannot seem to trust him."

"You chose to be ignorant alpha. Now you pay the price."

"They cannot have a future together! How can they? An alliance of two men will be looked down upon by the entire community. My pack will be put to shame."

"They wont have a child." Zelda voiced her concerns "There wont be an heir to the pack. We cannot afford that."

"And can you afford the wrath of the demon? Or the wolf in your son for that instance?"

That got Ragnar thinking. He had seen first hand how the barbaric wolf had created havoc of fear amongst his fellow wolves. Einar was uncontrollable back then but he also realized that his son was the bigger man and took responsibility which was brave in itself. This showed that Einar was the right man for the job. He just needed a push.

"I know I may sound selfish but as leader I have to make some tough decisions." The alpha said with determination "Einar is an alpha first and he needs to think about his people to protect the integrity of the pack. The legacies that our forefathers built should not be destroyed by something so trivial."

"What is on your mind Ragnar?" Zelda asked with curiosity.

Ragnar sighed and palmed his hand on the hands of his love. He assured her that everything will be fine. He planted a soft kiss of comfort on her forehead and looked at the seer once again "I have decided." He gritted his teeth as he took a pregnant pause "I want you to break the bond between Callan and Einar."

Zelda retraced her hand in fear while the seer gasped in shock. Breaking of a bond was not unheard of but it was a forbidden practice. Most importantly the probability of the procedure being a success was very low. It could cause severe irreversible damages to both of the bond inmates.

"This cant be!" the lady rose her voice

"But you said it can be done."

"Only when both of them refuse to acknowledge each other as mates."

The risk was too much but what choice did Ragnar had? He was sure that Einar himself was not interested to keep the bond alive. Had it been otherwise he could've raised the topic with his parents or anyone else in the pack. His secrecy about the matter only indicated that he wanted Callan out of his life. He wanted to start a family and take over his father and therefore he did all the fake mating.

On the other hand Ragnar was sure that Callan was clueless about Einar being his mate. If Callan was even slightly suspicious about it he would have raised his concern in front of the council and maybe took the matter to the royal court. Ragnar was sure that Callan would eventually lose his hope and settle down with a woman of his choice

 "This can be arranged.. I just want you to keep this between us."

"This wont work."

"Why?" Ragnar furrowed his brows. "Callan doesn't know about Einar and my son doesn't want Callan in his life."

"Are you sure alpha?" The seer smirked in arrogance "Are you sure that the man doesn't want his mate."

It took a few moments to settle down but Ragnar and Zelda realized that it was the end of the road. Their hopes and beliefs of his sons mating would soon be destroyed.

Zelda couldn't control her tears while Ragnar was pissed.

He was disappointed in himself. He thought that he hadn't acted sooner. He blamed himself for keeping Callan in the pack when he should've been always away from Einar. That would've solved a lot of problems he thought.

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