"The council has given us word for the Matriarch to be captured by Bru'tae clan. As an under cover mission to help change over leader and save the bearer clans. We cannot arise suspicious from Bru'tae. Things will proceed as they were orginally planned. I will take the members down for clean up mission. An you will take her. She will go with you willingly, DO NOT HARM HER, UNDERSTAND!?!?" I roared at the first one.

He seemed off balanced nodding and was shivering in fear "You are foolish to believe that Bru'tae would stick to his plan. That ship he has over that planet your bearer clan is on, has a planet blaster. My guess is when you deliver the Matriarch to him his orders are to blow it up killing them all." I say to him bitterly and angrily.

The young hunter shivers in anger and fear I can see his claws digging into his fists making them bloodied.

"Just to let you know my mates, Crashes Mates, and Hopper Mates are all in mission and are rescuing your bearer clan now as we speak. I have allotted them some territory on my lands. They will be given shelter and resources. They will be safe." I say in a statement.

"Rise up on your knees both of you!" I order them.

They were looking at me in shock, surprise, sadness, and greatful.

"Once you both are back on the ship you will be both be monitored. You will be helping OldOne in the kitchen. You are to eat all your meals there, if you are not training you will be living in the kitchen. The Matriarch came up with a less drastic punishment for both of you. When she returns an after she has given birth. You two will go on a hive cleansing of your own with only the weapons and armor you were given for your Chiva. If you can offer your trophies to her. You will gain back the trust of the clan and will be able to gain higher status after that!" I growl at them

"You are going to spend the rest of your life making it up to this clan. However long that may be!! do you understand!?!?!" I shout at them

They both nodded in shock and amazement. "Thank you clan leader Dar'ke" the first one said with tears falling.

"Thank you clan leader Dar'ke I will do all in my power to do what is necessary!" The second one declared

"The one who you should both thank is the Matriarch. Tomorrow come to my room I will allow you both to meet her for a short time before...the mission. Now get out of my sight!" I order them.

They both stagger to get up but hobble out as Crash opens the door. OldOne looks worried at first but looks relieved when he sees the two young hunters come out alive. Badly injured but alive.

"OldOne take them and yourself to the  medical bay and then to the kitchen they will be living with you there from now on" I said to him with a sigh. 

OldOne nods and tries to hurry them off. A cleaner robot follows them to clean up the dripping blood. 2 robots enter my training room and clean up the mess.

"That was quite impressive Dar'ke...your not usually this calm when it comes to punishments like this" Crash notes to me

"Crash it's taking every fiber of my being not to go into berserker mode right now. I am heading back to my room if you need anything message me there if anything changes" I say to him as I walk away.

There were a lot of clan members in the main training room who saw the brutal aftermath of the punishment. They gave me a wide birth of space, which was a good thing. Crash was taking over they're training.

I head back to my room, I send Hopper a message to come and meet me there so he can pick up Ceillia. We meet up together in the hall.

"Dar'ke what the hell did you do to the three of them they look like chit. The walking dead, look to have more life then those three." Hopper says unsure if he should be happy or not.

"The main thing they are alive and not going to be crippled as a result. They should be healed before the week has ended." I retort back to him not in the mood to talk.

As we arrive Ceillia and Chris are laughing and eating at the table. I can feel Hoppers drool on my shoulder as he looks at the Ooman Snacks. This day just keeps getting better and better...Paukkkkk.

"Ceillia good job, if your finished eating you can leave" I say to her.

She nods stuffs something in her mouth and chugged a drink and put her mask on in two swift moments. That was impressive...Chris was laughing, her smiling face was refreshing to see.

Ceillia bows to both of us and leaves. Chris looks at me then comes over with a worried look she reaches for my forearms that have deep cuts from my own claws. "Dar'ke sit on the bed these need to be dealt with right away she says pulling me to the bed."

As I sit down she pull out one of the medikits that Maini had given her. She goes to work cleaning my wounds. "Dar'ke look..." she says to me I look down and I see my wounds sealing up on they're own.

"Dar'ke it seems that you have a bit of my healing factor. Thank Paya!! " Chris looked happy. I take out the knife from boot and I run it along the palm of my hand. As I press the blade in and slice my flesh. We both watch as it heals completely. Chris borrows my knife and tries to poke her skin with it. Which its unable to pierce her soft flesh.

"Woot woot your not at my stage yet but looks like you will...that makes me excited....Oh paya if we can't pass on. Does that mean we are going to have thousands of pups" Chris said to me looking wide eyed at me.

I chitter at her at this foolish notion. It would be nice if it meant that but I highly doubt it. We may have a long life span but everything has an end at some point.

"Hmmm a thousand pups you say Chris? That would be easy if your pregnant every year for the next 500 to 700 years." I tease her nuzzling her head with mine.

It was fun to watch her do math in her head the expressions she made were very amusing!

"Jeez if we did that all the time at the time of birthing the pups all I would have to do is cough and they practically would almost fall out of me!" She exclaimed to me.

That was definitely a visual that made chatter loudly. I could just imagine her coughing and me diving to grab the pup.

I get up and strip down to my loin cloth and curl up with Chris on the bed. I stroke her hair and purr to her. "I kept my promise to you they are alive. We are keeping them"

"Thank you Dar'ke, I know this is not the normal thing to do in this situation but they are young and this will give them a chance to grow. I do want them to join up with Lu'Nye I think those three would make a great team together." Chris says to me

"That is very true Chris, hopefully they survive in the future to make that happen. After this they will be very devoted to you." I said to her

"Huh, why me?" She asks confused

"I let them know that if it wasn't for your request and change of punishment that they wouldn't be getting a chance." I said gruffly "They will both be coming here tomorrow to ask for forgiveness from you" I say looking at the ceiling.

I could feel Chris tense up "Is that really okay? Also you never told me who is the one being blackmailed"

"I will be here with you don't worry. At this point it's both they're fault. I think it's best you wait till the day of to find out...." I said to her sadly

"Fine but if I get the all clear in 2 days you and I are gonna make a porno!" She shouted then buries her head into my chest.

"Wait....is that like the mating material on Ooman ships?" I asked confused and intrigued but my little mates declaration.....

Ohhhh what do we have here mahahahahah it's a bird, it's a plane ....its the evil cliff hanger!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As this one is put out I am already writing chapter 103 sooo.... no spoilers. Have a great everyone ^-^

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