A Giant's Belly Button

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There was plenty of gold where I was, that had supposedly dropped from the bean stalk, but beating the poor forger I am, I sure needed more to keep up with business. Probably with a whoke chest full of gold I could hire someone to help with the forging.

So, my only instinct, was to climb the bean stalk.

It sounded simple, but it was pretty difficult.

I'm actually a pretty good climber, I've climed a Moutain not to far from where I am... only to steal a ancient magical amulet, to give magic to one of my sword creations. And no, I'm not a thief! They thing I stole it from anyways, is someome who used to terrorize our village. But this bean stalk was so high, I was getting second thoughts halfway up. It was nearly as tall as a Moutain, and was going high beyond the clouds. "How... the hell am I going to get back down?" I thought to myself, wondering how I was going to bring a chest full of gold down.

I couldn't throw it down, one thing for sure is, I could hurt someone. Secondly, if I don't hurt anyone, someone could see it, and take it. Assuming the chest is gonna break, they'll see the gold.

But I pressed on, I rekon I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

As I got higher, I came to a huge suprise. There was a SHED at the stop.

Wasn't sure if the shed was from the beanstalk, or if the shed was actually sitting ontop of the cloud. But, when I went to walk there, I realized I could walk ON the cloud. "What the... how...wait..."

Then I used my brain to figure out the shed wasn't from the bean stalk. The bean stalk just crashed trough the shed, and that's why some some came crashing down to the ground.

But there was some chests there, so I searched them all. But, there was nothing. Well, nothing valuable.

I was about to open one last chest, until-

"Who are you?"

'Shoot...' I thouht as my anxiety went up. I slowly turned around. Know I knew someone actually lived up here, and I was robbing them. "I... um... I can expl-" I turned around, only to see some shoes. Gaint shoes.


"Up here-" The voice said.

I looked up, looking at some legs, then a torso, then a face. A teenager, probably around my age.

I blinked, as my brain was trying to process what I was witnessing. It was a 20 foot human. Or, a 20 foot giant

"...what?! You're a gaint!" I yelled.

"And... You're small. Who are you?" They asked.

"Please don't eat me!" I yelled.

"Gross..." They said making a disgusted face. "Why would I eat you, when you look like me in a way?" They said.

"Huh?" I was confused. Giants are mythical creatures, that we don't know exists are not. Well, no I know they do. But the old stories say they eat humans. But, this guy looks like he doesn't. And to be, honest... why does he look kind of... cute...

"Uh... I..." I didn't know what else to say to him.

So, then he walked over, then sat beside me, with his back up agiest the wall. Only thing is, he landed a bit to hard, and the ground shook, making me fall backwards. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said. "Let me help-"  I went to help me up, but ended up picking me up, holding me up to him. I was basically sitting in the palm of his hand. I looked directly at his face, at his eyes.

"You... look like one of us? What are you?" He asked. "I'm a human..." I said. "Human? Wait... are you from down below?!"

I assumed he ment below the clouds, so I nodded. "Woah! Really? I've heard stories of down there!" He said. "Really?" I asked. "What kind of stories?"

Bellybutton Fetish/Tickle One shots [BxB]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora