Crystal scream-cried again and pulled Lloyd's collar.

"Ok,we've made her really upset." Harumi said.

"Maybe we can just unpack the things when Crystal is asleep." Lloyd said.

"Good idea." Harumi replied.

Lloyd put Crystal on her swing and gently swung her. Crystal giggled and looked at Harumi.

"Mwawa!Dwawa!Chwing Cwysty!" Crystal said.

"I'm going to die of her cuteness." Lloyd joked.

"Same." Harumi joked and walked to them.

Lloyd and Harumi both started gently swinging Crystal together. Crystal giggled even louder.

"You're having fun,sweetie?" Harumi asked playfully.

"Mawa!Dawa!" Crystal giggled.

"You're loving the swi-" Harumi asked, but stopped when she felt her hand..

touching Lloyd's behind the swing.

They both looked and when they saw that their hands were touching each other, they immediately pulled their hand away and blushed.

Crystal looked at them in confusion.

"My hand...slipped." Harumi said as she covered her face.

"Sure it did."Lloyd teased.

"Stop teasing me for once!" Harumi whined.

"You would do the same." Lloyd said.

"Yeah right.In your dreams,greenie!" Harumi said.

"We'll see!" Lloyd said.

Crystal started crying, feeling fear. She teleported to her crib swing and covered herself with her blanket.

"Great!Now look what you did!!" Harumi blamed.

"Me?!You are involved!!" Lloyd argued.

"Well you shouldn't have teased me!!" Harumi shouted.

"What's wrong with it?!You usually laughed when I tease you!!"Lloyd shouted.

"In the past!!" Harumi reminded.

"What is the matter with you?!" Lloyd asked.

"What's the matter with YOU?!?!" Harumi shot back.

They continued to argue and Crystal just couldn't take it anymore. So she teleported away from the room and to..

Mystake's desk.

"Oh!What are you doing here,little one?" Mystake asked.

Crystal kept crying and Mystake decided to bring her to Misako.

"Misako." Mystake called.

"Mystake.What is it?" Misako asked.

Then she noticed Crystal crying in Mystake's arms.

"What happened?" Misako asked.

"I do not know.Perhaps you should ask your son." Mystake answered and gave Crystal to Misako.

"Nwo!Nwo mawa ow dawa!" Crystal cried.

"What's wrong,Crystal?What did your parents do?" Misako asked.

"Cwystal scawed!" Crystal cried.

"Oh gosh.I knew this was a bad idea." Misako said and walked to Kai.

"Kai." Misako called.

"Hi,Misako." Kai greeted.

"Is it alright if Crystal stay with you for a bit?I need to talk to Lloyd and Harumi." Misako asked.

Part of The S.O.G and Part of The Resistance(Crystal Edition)Where stories live. Discover now