Chapter 37 - Mikhail

Start from the beginning


I stepped out of the car, a mask of calmness and complete indifference - quite the opposite of the inner turmoil that I was going through. After rehashing my original plan, Alexei, Sofia and I had made a couple of changes, deciding not to let anyone else in the loop lest there'd be another mole. One betrayal was enough for today.

Sofia had been adamant to tag along, not listening to our pleas to stay at home. I couldn't refuse her especially after she blackmailed me about how Luciana was like her sister too and that she deserved to say one final goodbye to her. I relented, per usual.

Gospoda had been built like any other club out there. Bright, welcoming with a strobe of lights illuminating into the night sky. The neon sign flickered to life on our arrival as we did our best to remain as invisible as possible. Although, that was made easier for us as we blended into the crowd of criminals, ready to splurge some rubles in the strip club. To any passing citizen, Gospoda or Gentlemen was anything but a club for gentlemen. It was filled with seedy men, ready for a good lay or for their balls to be sucked while their wives stayed at home with their kids.

I, myself, was an owner of a strip club in Moscow, but I would never stoop down to the level of the owners of Gospoda. Whispers and rumors of sex slavery and flesh trade ran amuck around the slums surrounding this part of Kyzyl. Many girls from the nearby vicinities would come here, in the hopes of finding a job, unbeknownst to the way they'd be exploited and used for their bodies. Some lucky ones managed to escape relatively unscathed but others...let's just say that it wasn't a very pleasant end for them. Based on the research I had done, the owners rarely showed up surrounded by a sort of hush hush. It had infuriated me to know that there wasn't a single name that was leaked - even when we hacked into their systems.

"Ostavaysya v mashine." I ordered Sofia as I patted my waistband to make sure the gun that I had tucked in safely was still there.

Stay in the car.

Sofia rolled her eyes at my command, but obeyed it nonetheless, knowing how dangerous it was for her to come - and not to mention, how it would lead to our cover being blown. My eyes followed the car, as it rounded the corner before being parked, tucked away into the shadows of the night.

The plan was honestly pretty simple. Merge with the crowd and open fire as soon as we saw an opening. But most importantly, get Luciana out safely first. She'd wait with Sofia in the car while we'd deal with the men inside. My heart beat against my chest unnaturally as I walked in alone, Alexei a few steps behind me, so as to not seem suspicious.

For the first 30 minutes, loud music blasted through the speakers as half naked women - the more seasoned strippers - roamed through the crowd of men as they slipped money into their thongs. All this time, my eyes roamed around, waiting to see a flash of brown hair that I had grown to love. One week of not seeing her, feeling her or touching her had unraveled the beast in me. I craved her at this point and I couldn't imagine my life without her. Luciana Rodriguez was mine - my oxygen, my lifeline, my everything. And like hell if I was going to give up on our love just because of misunderstandings and misplaced intentions - I had promised to love her for infinity, through thick and thin.

A slender woman approached our table before I slid over a wad of cash and waved her off before she slinked her way over to a pudgy man sitting across from my table. I was all but interested in one woman tonight, but she still wasn't here. As if the universe had read my mind, I spotted Luciana being led by Ana towards the stage - just as we had spoken. I relaxed in my seat, sure about the way that the plan was about to unfold.

A short, balding man made his way over to the stage as my attention was redirected to him. The microphone screeched before he started speaking and welcomed the men to tonight's show. He spoke in rapid Russian as I made out the words newcomer and extra services. I managed to tame the unruly monster in me as he walked away and some song started playing. Luciana, ever the beauty that she was, made her way nervously onto the stage, eyes downcast as the mafia men threw bills and hooted at her. My blood boiled as I had to passively watch my woman being degraded and hollered at as if she was the next dessert on the menu that these men couldn't wait to taste.

The man in front of me starting shouting in Russian as I pulled my gun out from its holster.

"Ya khochu chtoby shlyushka sosala moy chien."

One bullet. One bullet was all it took for the man to fall into a heap onto the floor. My pulse raced as another bullet sliced through the air. A moment of utter silence. Before all hell broke loose. The men scattered around, reaching for their guns and rifles as they tried to randomly shoot in the dark. The bouncers were already inside as I snuck away, ready to meet Ana and Luciana at the place we had decided in advance. I'd be back to blow this place up into smithereens. But before that I got my revenge, I had to make sure that Luciana was on her way out.


So fucking close to the end y'all aaaaahhhhh😭😭😭

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