Chapter 26: Hormones

Start from the beginning

"You look beautiful, love. I had the servants make up something. I know I usually crave a lot after I run," Klaus smiled at me while adding food onto his plate. Instantaneously, my mind's thoughts transversed to him in the shower with me, but I immediately snapped out of it as Klaus motioned me to eat.

I smiled back before looking towards the table and began adding a few pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, two beignets, and a glass of blood to my meal. I could see Elijah's eyes wide as he went to turn the newspaper page and caught sight of my food before breaking out into a smile and continuing reading.

"Did you go out last night 'lijah?" I ask before taking a big bite of my pancakes. Elijah places down his newspaper before moving to put blood from one of the jugs into his own plate.

"I did not, sadly. I wanted to check up on how the new Labonair pack was doing, but I reasoned that Hayley's pack did not want to see me, so I chose to stay home," Elijah replied in a somber tone. "How was your night? It seemed quite a lot considering you were out all night and when you returned earlier, I noticed Niklaus was quite red when he walked in," Elijah added and I looked down at my plate. I could practically feel the glare Ni-I mean Klaus was giving Elijah.

"It was really fun," I smiled at Klaus who instantly turned his glare at Elijah into a soft smile towards me. "I can't wait for next time," I added before mentally slapping myself.

Way to be obvious Caroline.

"I mean- never mind," I sighed before eating again.

"Let's hope it doesn't rain next time, love," Klaus mocked, raising his glass before sipping it. I glared at him before eating my own food.

"Well if it isn't Bugs Bunny's murderers," Kol smirked, entering the dining room in his usual jeans and t-shirt.

"Good morning Kol," I said to him cheerfully and he looked at me like I had grown an extra head. I smirked at him and he kept his shocked face.

"Why are you smiling at me? Nik, why is she smiling at me like that?" Kol asked, turning to Nik before turning back to me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Kol," I feigned.

"On second thought, I'm going to go out for breakfast," Kol turned around towards the door. "Besides, I like my food fresh." I gagged at Kol's words and shot him a glare. He must've felt it because he started laughing as he left the room.

"Where's Kol going? Actually don't tell me, I would have a better soul not knowing," Rebekah said, yawning while passing by Kol and walking into the dining room. Even though she had probably just woken up from bed, Rebekah always looked like a super model since her hair was completely combed down, and her black tank top and fluffy bunny pajama pants flowed nicely around her body.

"Good morning Bekah," I smiled at her as she plopped herself down next to me, taking one of the jugs of juice and pouring it into her glass, before chugging the whole thing down.

"Rough night?" I ask, giggling.

"We are definitely going shopping later," Rebekah replied but adding, "It's the only peace I have in this life."

"Didn't you go shopping last week?," Klaus mocked Rebekah who in turn glared at him.

"It's my revenge for you daggering me for almost a century," Rebekah replies and I choke on my food.

"Daggering?" I ask, turning to Klaus, glaring at him.

"In my defense, she wouldn't leave the little dimwit of a prince," Klaus replied.

"I loved him," Rebekah exclaimed and Klaus huffed before rolling his eyes. "You do not have the right to mock me, Nik. I remember you having an infatuation with his sister." Kluas rolled his eyes before smirking.

"Yes, she tasted quite fine, wouldn't you say so, brother?" Klaus asked Elijah who put his newspaper closer to his face, trying to avoid the rubble between the three of us.

"What does she mean by daggering Nik?" I ask, mentally hitting myself as I caught my mistake. Ni- I mean Klaus seemed to notice it too because his eyes widened and he was smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed before glaring at him again.

"Oh, um,-"

"Whenever one of us "disobeys" him, Nik likes to use these special daggers he has that only works on us and they bring us into this deep sleep," Rebekah states and I gape at Klaus.

"What?!" I shout and glare at him.

"Oops, said too much," Rebekah apologizes but I hear a bit of laughter in the back of her voice and Klaus turns to glare at her.

"And just when I thought you had the least bit of humanity in you," I huff before standing. "I'll be ready to go shopping in ten minutes. Meet me out front," I turn to Rebekah before heading out towards the door.

"Love,-" I hear Klaus say before vamp speeding upstairs. As soon as I reach my door, I feel anger and hurt control my body and I try to calm my emotions down.

Ugh. These damn emotions.

I decided to change into some jean shorts and my grey ribbed halter top along with some sneakers before applying a light case of mascara and lip gloss.

"Oh shoot, I'm late," I mutter as I check my phone and see the time. I rush downstairs and outside only to find the pathway empty.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's late," Rebekah giggles behind me. "You really make a girl work for it to make it from her pajamas to this," Rebekah pauses, pointing to her shorts and tank top along with her sandals, as well as her perfected makeup on her face, "in only 10 minutes." I giggle and laugh as we walk over to the car garage.

"I might have to thank you. If you were anyone else, I think I might be six feet under right now," Rebekah laughs and I stop walking. She turns back and her smile disappears. "It's a joke, Care. Well, I mean most of it."

"Don't you, don't you ever want to yell at him for daggering you though?" I ask, curious. Rebekah opens the car garage door to a red Ferrari and turns to me.

"Well, yes, and I do usually end up getting my revenge," Rebekah laughs, "but he's my older brother. And I don't know," Rebekah looks down, "maybe a part of me is thankful he's never once accepted my suitors. Although there were a good few ones." I laugh and back away as Rebekah pulls the car out.

For some reason, I feel a pair of eyes on me and I turn around and look up towards one of the north eastern windows.

"Be careful. Call me if you get into trouble," I hear Klaus whisper and I nod at him before getting into the car and driving into the city. 

Hey Everyone!...

So....things get a little steamy in the beginning before Caroline goes downstairs and finds everyone at breakfast. Caroline finds out about Nik daggering so he ded. 

What will happen next? Will Caroline's dreams actually come true? How will shopping go?

Read more to find out! Don't forget to like and comment! 

Have a good week everyone and stay safe! 


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