"Hello?" Alex immediately blushes. "Sam, hi. Just give me a second." Alex moves the phone away from her face and excuses herself. When she whispers to see if it's okay for her to share the news, Kara just nods. Alex steps out of the bar quickly to talk to her girlfriend.

Once she is gone, Kara reaches across the table and grabs her sister's beer. She carefully examines Lena. As much as she tries to focus on making sure she is alright, she is struck by her beauty again. She watches Lena tense her jaw, sharpening that already deadly jawline. Those deep red lips quiver slightly. Her long eyelashes flutter as she blinks rapidly. Kara leans her forehead against Lena's temple.

The CEO squeezes her eyes shut as she feels soft lips press into her cheek. The moment she feels that kiss, tears start to flow down her face steadily. She tries to choke back her sobs. She chastises herself. This is supposed to be about Kara. Lena feels like she was supposed to be strong today for her. She feels pathetic and weak and worthless. She doesn't even register that Kara wrapped her up in her strong arms, holding the CEO's face to her chest. When Alex carefully treads into the corner of her vision, Kara gently waves her away. Alex just nods and leaves without question after giving her a sad smile.

Kara just sits there holding Lena for ages without saying anything. She just lets the Irish woman process everything in her own time, knowing that they will need to talk about it back home. Kara startles herself at the thought. She just mentally referred to Lena's penthouse as their home. When she feels the body tremors slow down, she calmly whispers into Lena's ear, "Let's go home, yeah?"

Kara throws down some money on the table before helping Lena up from the booth. She wraps her arms around her again as they head out of the bar. Kara takes the lead and flags down a taxi and during the ride, she texts Alex asking her to just stay in either one of their apartments instead. Kara wants a night with Lena alone. She gets them home, and the moment that they get into the penthouse, Kara strips Lena out of her suit jacket. She guides them to Lena's main bedroom. This time, Kara moves about slowly undressing her girlfriend. She pulls off her vest before working on the buttons on her shirt. Kara swallows thickly at seeing the pale skin on display. And of course Lena had to be wearing the black, lacy bra that Kara loves.

Kara refocuses and pulls off the button down shirt. She kisses the corner of the CEO's mouth as she undoes the clasp behind her back. Lena's chin is quivering, her eyes slammed shut. Kara is quick to get off the uncomfortable bra and slip her into a comfy sports bra. The blonde then kneels down to unbutton and zip her trousers. She slowly pulls them down those long legs. Lena's in black boy shorts for underwear that she recovers with some sleep shorts. She grabs a makeup wipe and carefully removes the dark eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. Kara guides her into the bed as she quickly strips herself out of her dress and puts on a loose sports bra and shorts. She makes a last minute decision to get rid of the bandages around her torso. She is almost healed anyways. There are only a couple stitches left with angry red lines covering her torso.

Kara lays down next to Lena before rolling her on top. She's still crying as silently as possible. Kara shushes her while running her hands up and down her girlfriend's back. She whispers, "Let's get some sleep, and then we can talk. Just rest, Lee."

Lena's emotions and thoughts are raging. She is exhausted from the long night and the emotional toll the day has taken. It takes a bit longer than usual for her to fall under sleep's spell. She has terrible dreams filled with Morgan and Maxwell. She sees Kara suffering at their hands while Lena can't do anything about it. After her mind produces several versions of Kara being hurt due to her own enemies, Lena's emotions turn. She no longer feels afraid and helpless; she feels red hot fury.

She wakes with a jolt. Kara grunts at the sudden push on her abdomen from Lena trying to sit up. Lena sees the pain cross her face, and she immediately is drowning in guilt.

The RescueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon