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Chapter 2

Hearing Ruan Chiu's words, from the time he walked in, Cheng Jun turned his eyes to her for the first time, as if he was looking at a stranger he had never met before, without emotional fluctuations.

"The house cannot be given to you."

house? Ruan Juo was stunned for a moment.

On the table are two divorce agreements. Ruan Chiu-Chiu hurriedly browsed through it. It clearly stated that the two people broke up and divorced. The woman Ruan Chiu-Chiu is willing to give up the ownership of the real estate. As compensation, the man will give her what she owns. All the shares of Cheng's company are equivalent to more than five million yuan.

As mentioned in the original book, Cheng's company is an industry owned by Cheng Jun's father, and the company's scale is not large. It's just that the relationship between father and son has been broken since his mother's death and stepmother came home. Cheng Jun has very few shares in his hands, which is quite a few million.

Ruan Chuo Chuo was a little surprised. This house is just an ordinary residential building of less than 100 square meters close to the urban area. According to the valuation of the heroine in the book, it is no more than three million yuan at most. Why should Cheng Jun compensate her so much?

No wonder the original owner immediately agreed to the divorce.

According to the description in the book, the original owner accepted Cheng Jun's condition quite happily, so that the hostess even took a note of her. At first, the hostess was thinking about marrying Cheng Jun, but the millions that the original host took away were enough for an ordinary person to live a lifetime comfortably.

Ruan Jujuu closed the contract and shook his head: "I'm not negotiating terms with you, and I'm not asking for a house. I'm not going to get a divorce."

When there is no clue, the most important thing is to stabilize the surrounding environmental conditions. Ruan Chiu Chiu went through several twists and turns in a short period of time. Until now, his head is full of mud. He just wants to stay in one place to ease himself and accept reality.

Do not divorce for the time being, determine the development of the plot of this world and then decide the next plan.

Cheng Jun did not care about Ruan's changes.


Perhaps for him, whether there is anyone around him, or what kind of person he is, are not very important things.

Looking at the instant noodles in Cheng Jun's hands, Ruan Chiu frowned.

She went to the kitchen and pulled the food in the refrigerator. It was either fast food or a happy meal such as instant noodle soda. There were no fruits and vegetables that could be eaten.

Ruan Chu Chu was silent. Do you never cook at home?

"Um...Cheng Jun, after you have eaten the instant noodles, let's go out. Go to the supermarket to buy something."

Cheng Jun glanced at her slowly.

The expression in his eyes was very obvious, as if Ruan Jue Jue was a stranger who made a sudden request.

Ruan Chuchu was not straightforward and strong: "I can't lift it, and it's dark and it's still raining outside."


On weekdays, the original owner and Cheng Jun are in a non-interfering way of getting along with each other, and they can even do not say a word for months. The original owner had also coveted beauty for Cheng Jun, but Cheng Jun was a recognized wooden beauty, a hard stone that was not hot, and gradually lost his hot face and cold ass.

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