Chapter 73

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"Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me." I sang loud and tauntingly as I entered the torture room where Petrov was.

He hissed in disgust when his eyes met mine and I smirked. His gaze shifted behind me and as Mila entered the room as well.

"If it isn't the weak bitch and her pet monkey." Petrov chuckled humorlessly and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ooh ooh aah ah." I squeaked like a monkey and then laughed at my own crazy humor.

"How have you been petroleum?" I asked sweetly but him eyes were planted on Vladimir's wife. He stared at her with a deadly glare and she shrunk under his gaze. Her eyes welled with tears.

She was afraid of him.

"Don't let him disturb your peace of mind. You're husband is awake and the fucker is tied to the chair. He can't hurt you." I assured and she nodded, fiddling with her fingers.

Someone really needed to teach her how to be the wife of a mafia boss. She was as fragile as a thin piece of glass.

"So petroleum jelly, how have those videos been?" I smirked and he stared up at me. "I knew you were into those kind of stuff, judging by the compromising position you were in when we found you."

"You should count your days bitch." He hissed and I laughed.

"Maybe I should." I said, realizing that I'd missed about two cycles and hadn't noticed. Oh well, silly me.  "Mila, do you have anything you'd like to say to Petra before we begin?"

She shook her head no and the snow swine chuckled. "Of course she doesn't have anything to say. She's a little pathetic bitch and I should've disposed of you and that kid when I had the chance." He hissed and her eyes clouded with tears.

Man, this was going to be hard. Where was that fire she had a while back when we were in Luciano's office.

"Look at you, standing here as if you can do shit. Worthless whore, you're very lucky I'm tied to this chair or you, your husband and your pathetic little kid would be dead." He continued until I got tired of him and slapped him across the head with the thing they use to catch slap flies.

Petrov's head whipped to my direction and he scowled at me.

"Well it's a good thing you're not getting away then." I stated, slapping him on his non existent lips.

I moved over to the table to grab the tools and Mila followed behind me.

"Look." I said, holding onto her hand. "Don't let him intimidate you, you're a strong woman. I know we didn't get off on the right foot but that's the way life is. I want you to grow some balls so we can remove his."

She nodded at my words and picked up the knives.

We gagged the fucker so we wouldn't have to hear anymore of his verbal diarrhea and reclined his chair so it was now a bed.

"Time to operate." I smiled and Mila nodded.

Petrov was thrashing around, still tied up and mumbling nonsense into the rag. I removed it and he yelled.

"What the fuck are you doing? What's going on?" He choked out, feeling me cup his balls.

Those weren't blue balls, they were purple. I could see the veins in it and felt it pulsing in my hand. It must've hurt like a bitch.

Sucks to be him.

"You know Cleopatra, there's this little procedure they do with pigs and other animals. It's called castration, do you know it?" I asked and he started yelling again. In a swift motion, Mila stuffed the rag down his throat and he shut up. I sighed in relief.

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