Chapter 2

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I could've sworn my heart fell into my ass as realization dawned on me. The three goliaths were right on my tail, fucking chasing me. I could hear it's unsteady beating in my ears as adrenaline pulsed through my veins. Tears clouded my eyes as I feared the results of being caught by them. Ragged breaths left my lips and I felt a throbbing in my legs. I didn't stop, I knew if they got a hold of me I'd be in much more pain than this.

Only the good Lord knows what was in store for me. I've heard the stories. Girls being kidnapped, raped and murdered. Their bodies beaten beyond recognition. I wasn't about to let that happen to me. I must admit I have nothing to live for but I wasn't going out like that. No fucking way.

I fucking ran. I ran for my worthless life. I have no fucking idea how I was going this fast but I'll fucking tell you, Barry Allen had nothing on me. I could feel and hear the cold night breeze cutting pass my ear. The sound of gravel crunching under my feet travelled through my body and I paid no mind to the men behind me as they yelled in another language.

Were they yelling for me. I should think so but I wasn't about to stick around to find out.

FUCKING HELL. I have to make a turn. Quickly glancing over my shoulders, they had almost caught up to me. Gosh, running would be so fucking easy if I wasn't carrying an extra person as an ass. I braced for the corner, it was sharper than I anticipated and almost had me toppling over. But it was no time for a pathetic fall. This ain't no fucking scary movie, this is some real shit and am not about to be no organ donor.

They never saw it coming though, one of them landed right in the trash cans with a loud crash. Ha. Take that motherfucker.

Holy Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm so fucked.

I looked straight ahead only to see a fucking wall, the top adorned with beautiful barbed wires, just sitting and waiting patiently to tear right through my flesh.

Smooth going, Kel. Now you're fucking trapped.

The three men stalked towards me. I was cornered. This was it. I'm going to be raped, or worst. I felt so fucking pathetic.

Why is my life like this, the felt tears stung my eyes as they neared me. I almost fell to my knees in defeat.

Until one of them chuckled.

Oh so this is fucking funny to him. Seems like I'm a joke.
I started to climb that fucking wall.

Yes. I'm spiderman bitches.

"Prendila!" One of them grunted and I felt a hand grab my left leg, yanking me off the wall and unto the ground.
[Get Her]

I feel like a fucking tablecloth.

My head hit the ground pretty hard though. I felt a knock on my skull, thank God it ain't a crack. A numbing pain spread from the area of the impact and black dots clouded my vision. I couldn't think straight, I felt lightheaded. The world around me was zooming in and out. What the fuck man. I was so fucking dizzy, it felt as if I was moving on water.

"What the fuck idiota. Hai sentito di non danneggiare la fottuta merce!" I heard one of the men grumble.
[Idiot You heard not to damage the fucking merchandise]

"Era quella che scappava, cazzo. Inoltre, possiamo solo dire che è caduta." Another spoke up.
[She was the one who fucking ran. Besides, we can just say she fell]

I couldn't even make sense out of the situation before me, I wanted to but I couldn't focus. My mind kept wavering to unimportant things. Different memories clouded my mind as I struggled to keep my eyes open. What the fuck is happening, It felt like tiny little feet were walking on my brain.

"Basta prendere la puttana. Siamo già in ritardo." I think I heard the first voice sigh. I couldn't really decipher with all the little children walking around on my brain.
[Just pick the whore up. We're already late]

I then felt myself being swiftly lifted from the ground and thrown over broad shoulders.

What the fuck are those little kids doing on my brain. They feel like fucking ants. I must be going crazy or something. The ground started to move as I saw two oddly shaped things dangling before me, swinging side to side as if possessing no stimuli. I think those are my hands but I can't be sure.

I felt a someone grope my butt and squeezed it. Ewwww. What the fuck.

"They will be pleased tonight. Questo è un bel pezzo di culo." the guy carrying me chuckled, sending deep vibrations through my body. I could feel his words leave his back and climbing into my chest.
[This is a nice piece of ass]

Who the fuck is THEY. And why the fuck are these ant like children now walking behind my eyeballs.

I tried to fight my eyes from rolling back but I couldn't. They fluttered, as I challenged to keep them open. But my efforts were proven futile, as I laid there drifting out of consciousness.

There it was. The only thing I knew I'd always see. It waited for me, like it does every other day.





DARKNESS IS LIGHTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora