Chapter 48

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"Get up bitch." Someone grumbled and I felt ice cold water hit my body.

Opening my eyes, it dawned on me that I couldn't move. I looked around frantically, trying to analyze my surroundings.

I tugged at my wrist but it couldn't move, my whole body couldn't.

I was tied to a chair. The ropes burned into my skin when I tried to get them to loosen so I stopped.

"Stop moving whore." A disgusting looking guy holding a bucket hissed at me.

"Is your brain slow bitch." I hissed back. "I stopped moving before you said I should."

I'm sick and tired of this shit.

"Shut up before I hit you bitch." He grumbled and laughed.

"Sir." I chuckled. "You're mouth, is moving like a rat. Yappa yappa yappa. Shut it please."

The next thing I knew, his fist was connecting with my jaw. A few seconds later, the metallic taste of blood flowed down my throat.

I did what he obviously didn't expect.

I laughed.

"You hit like a bitch." I smiled at him, I knew my teeth were bloody and that made me more pleased. I could only imagine how crazy I looked.

"I bet you got a fat pussy in your pants." I grinned and his jaws ticked. "I bet you're so aggressive because you haven't had your clit rubbed in a while."

He clenched his fist and I decided to push a little farther. I've been through a lot and I've had enough. This is my breaking point.

Care yeeted. Sanity deleted.

"Or are you on your period bitch." I spat at him and he slapped me across the face.

"That was even worst than the first." I laughed at the little fucker.

"Lay another finger on her and I cut them off." I heard a familiar voice say.

I lifted my head to see the biggest piece of shit in the toilet.


He was behind this. It honestly didn't surprise me.

"Hello pretty thing." He smirked and took a seat on the chair in front on me.

I scrunched my face in disgust as he stared at me with a blank look on his face. We sat there in an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"You remind me of my wife." He finally spoke and I raised a brow at his words. Luciano's never spoken about his mother. He only told me that his dad hurt her.

"I feel sorry for her." I scoffed. "She must be really unhappy, married to a man like you."

"She was." He stated blankly. "Doesn't really matter because I killed her."

My body stilled at his words.

The little piece of shit. No wonder his sons are the way they are. He broke those men, and for what reason.

"You should've seen their stupid faces the day I beat her to death." He laughed and tears stung me eyes. "Right before their pathetic little eyes."

How could he.

"You're fucking sick." I yelled in his face but he just chuckled.

"You have no idea little thing." He smiled before getting up and grabbing my face. "And you're gonna join their stupid mother really soon."

"I'm sure I won't see her where I'll be going." I hissed. "And that's straight to hell. Right after I send you there."

"How are you gonna do that?" He laughed hysterically. "You're tied to a chair."

I smiled at him without saying a word.

"Thought so." He chuckled as he moved away. "You know, none of this would've been possible without the help of a loyal man."

"Let me guess." I scoffed. "Carlo."

"You're a smart little thing aren't you. Maybe I'll keep as my little pet."

"I'd rather eat shit out of an old man's ass." I laughed humorlessly and his face hardened.

"That's a little specific isn't it?" I heard Carlo ask as he walked into the room.

"How could you?" I spat distastefully at him.

"My loyalty lies with Marcello pretty girl." He chuckled and I frowned.

"Well the joke's on you Carlo." I scoffed. "Do you know what CC stands for?"

"No. Please enlighten me Kelsey."

"It mean Cock Cooler." I grinned. "I bet that's what you're doing."

His face hardened and I smirked, pushing farther.

"Cooling Marcello's cock." Immediately after the words left my mouth, Marcello's fist connected with my face and I winced in pain.

That hurt like a bitch.

"You hit harder than the bitch over there." I spat the blood from my mouth, looking at the guy who hit me earlier.

"You talk too much bitch." Marcello barked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe I should cut out your tongue and..." I interrupted him before he could finish.

I farted a loud and long fart that echoed in the rancid room.

Adding to the stinking filth.

"You talk too much shit Marcello and you have no action to back it up." I scoffed and smiled when I saw that I struck a nerve in him.

Within a second, he landed a hard kick to my chest. I groaned as the chair toppled over and my head hit the concrete floor.

"No action you say bitch!" He yelled and put a piece of cloth over my head.

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it when he started pouring water on my face.

I coughed and my chest heaved in pain when the water started filling my lungs.

"Still no action bitch?" He shouted and the pouring stopped for a minute.

"Fuck you." I gurgled and they started drowning me again.

It continued for a while and I realized they weren't actually trying to kill me.

He doesn't want to kill me yet.

"Bring her up." He ordered and my chair was lift back into it's sitting position. Someone yanked the bag from my head and I started coughing up water.

"Still think I'm soft bitch?" He smirked.

Did he actually think that'd stop me from talking shit to him.

"Why don't you untie me so I can show you what real action is old man." I grinned at him and his body stiffened.

Fucking cunt.





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