Chapter 49

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"Bro calm down." Enzo groaned as I paced back and forth.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" I yelled at him. "It's been four hours and still nothing."

"He'll call soon, brother. Just calm the fuck down because that isn't helping." He argued and I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"What if he hurts her?" I sighed, taking a seat at the meeting table.

He better not fucking hurt my baby or I'll slit his disgusting throat. I should've done so a long time ago.

This is all my fault.

If I had just killed the fucker when I had the chance we wouldn't be in this position right now.

"He's calling." Alexei shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Put him on." I nodded and he connected the call, turning the computer in my direction.

"Hello sons." He chuckled, staring into the camera.

My heart fell when i saw my baby girl tied to a chair, a little beaten up.

"You lay one more finger on her and I'll put a bullet between your eyes." Vlad yelled at him enraged.

"And how will you do that?" He grinned. "You don't even know where I am."

We will soon.

I looked up at Aldo who was busy clicking away on his computer.

"Now here's what's gonna happen boy. You give me back my mafia or the whore dies." He seethed, holding a knife to Kelsey's throat.

"Do it." Kelsey laughed. "No balls."

Is she trying to get herself killed.

"Really." Marcello smirked as he sank the blade into her neck.

I clenched my fists when I saw blood running from the area where the knife was. I was dumbfounded when Kelsey just continued laughing hysterically.

She's gone mad.

"You need to be taught respect bitch. And I'll be the one to fuck it into you." He hissed before sending a hard slap to her face.

She winced in pain and then chuckled.

"Sorry old man but saggy balls ain't my style."

His body still and I saw his jaw tick when he looked back at the camera.

"I'll get back to you later son." He grumbled, the hatred evident in his voice. "I have to teach your bitch some manners."

With those last words, the call cut and my heart rate picked up.

"Tell me you got it." I panicked, moving over to Aldo.

"Not yet." He mumbled and I sighed, looking at the map on the screen.

"It's moving all over." I groaned, seeing the tracker sending moving from one continent to the other.

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