Chapter 59

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"So let me get this straight. You both joined mafias and are now working as one." The tall muscular brown skinned man tried clarifying as he led us into the warehouse.

"Yes." I assured and I heard him chuckle.

"Co capos." He stated before signalling to the gaurd to open the door. "It'll take some time getting used to that."

"For sure." Alexei smiled, nudging my shoulder.

"He looks awfully similar." My brother pointed out but I just brushed him off.

"We can work with it." The guy smirked as we entered into what I assumed was his storage room.

"Call me Graham." He stated before holding out his hand for us to shake.


We exchanged firm handshakes for a few seconds.

"So where's my goods." He pressed, his face morphing into a serious expression.

"Bring them." I ordered to our men and they brought forward the crates.

Graham nodded to a boy or young man that looked a little too similar to him and he came over. In a swift motion, he pried all the crates open, revealing the various types of gun.

A smirked played on the boys lips as he inspected the items and he nodded to his father once he was finished. I assumed Graham was his dad.

"All good." Graham smirked when the boy stood beside him.

Definitely his son.

"Son?" My brother asked and the boy nodded.

"This is Keon." Graham introduced. "My only child. He's gonna follow in his old man's footsteps when I pass."

He patted his son shoulder and they shared a short father son moment.

"That's really nice." I faked my interest. "Now show me my goods."

"Patience Mr Lenkov." Graham chuckled and nodded to his son again.

We both watched as he led us over to a huge truck and Keon opened the doors.

As soon as they flew open the addictive scent of marijuana filled the room.


That smelt like the good stuff.

"After you." Graham directed and Alexei and I stepped up into the truck filled with weed.

I picked up a brick and smelt it. God damn.

"How do we know it's the good stuff?" My brother asked and I felt the urge to slap him across the head. Can't the little fucker smell how strong this shit is.

He just wanted to sound like the guys from those movies.

"Oh trust me. " Keon answered with a smirk on his face. "It is."

"See the ones wrapped in white." Graham added as he pointed to the stash he was talking about.

"That's trini weed and that's one of the best in the game. The ones in black, that's our shit. We grow and care for it ourselves, trust me. It ain't to be fucked with. And the ones wrapped in brown and sealed with the black tape." He paused and chuckled.

"Guess where it's from?" Keon smirked and Alexei and I shrugged.

"Straight from the hills in Jamaica." They both said in unison.

"You fucking lying!" Alexei gasped and Graham laughed.

"I wouldn't." He added as my brother took up a brick. I knew his only intention was to keep it for himself. "The weed speaks for itself."

"I'm sure it will." Alexei grinned, tucking the brick into his jacket.

"It's been pleasure doing business with you Graham." I shook his hand again, then his son's. "And son."

"We're both Grahams." Keon laughed a bit. For a fraction of a second it reminded me of Kelsey's laugh.

"Talking bout Graham and son. Does this look like a funeral home." They both laughed as we got out.

Graham tapped the side of the truck and the engine started.

After a few more minutes of discussing business. My brother and I got into our vehicle and it drove off.

The others followed behind, along with the truck.

I looked over at Alexei and the fucker was already trying to roll a blunt.

"You couldn't wait till we got home?" I asked, feeling slightly annoyed. "You know we gotta meet Enzo and Aldo."

"It's just one blunt bro. Calm down." He whined and I narrowed my eyes at him.

One blunt my ass.

"First you say it's one blunt then after like the fifth you'll be saying 'just one more blunt bro' because once you start you can't stop." I mocked him and he sucked his teeth before putting away the weed.


A few minutes into the ride Alexei's phone rang and he answered it, sounding a little shocked.

"Who is it?" I asked as he spoke into the phone in our mother tongue.

"Ivan." He answered with a shrug.

Ivan. Why the fuck would he be calling us.

A while later, Alexei removed the phone from his ear with a surprised look on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

"What is it?" I asked but he didn't answer. "What is it you dummy?"

I was getting aggravated by his silence. The person was still saying something on the other end but Alexei quickly disconnected the call.

He turned to look at me and just stared into my eyes. It's like he was looking into my soul.

"It's Ivan." He said again.

"You told me that already." I replied in an agitated tone.

"He said he's been trying to contact you but your cell is off."

"Why would he want to do that?" I asked, feeling utterly confused.

"It's about Mi..m..m." He began stuttering.

"Fucking hell brother. Spit it out."

"It about Mila." He blurted out and I felt my whole world come crashing down as my body stilled.

"W...why..what about her?" I pressed, feeling nauseous as bile rose into my throat.

"She... she's back." He answered plainly and I felt like someone dropped a concrete block on my head.

"She's dead Alexei." I deadpanned, trying not to believe the words coming from his mouth.

"She not dead Vlad. She's back." He assured, sounding so certain.

"No no no no." I yelled. "Stop fucking lying to me."

"I'm not Vlad. Shes back." He said calmly. "You're wife is back."

Fuck no. I refused to believe it.

"And she has a son." He added and my heart stopped. "Your son."

This has to be a fucking dream.






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