Chapter 51

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The moment Enzo and I stepped into the basement, the pungent odor hit my nostrils.

I scrunched my face in disgust and narrowed my eyes at my father. The poor old man was trying to escape.

His body stilled when he saw us and Enzo chuckled. We took long strides until we stood directly in front of him.

He was about the same height as us, but the fact that he was sitting on the chair, made him have to crane his neck to look up at us. So much hate laid in his eyes. You could see his distaste for us written all over his face.

And I'm pretty sure he could see ours as well.

"If it isn't my sons." He spat with disgust and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hello father." Enzo and I said in unison. His jaw visibly clenched.

Haha. We actually rehearsed saying that.

"Fuck you." He grumbled and I laughed quietly. 

Studying him from head to toe I shook my head at his naked body, tied to the chair. The ropes bruised his skin from how tight they were.

As my eyes lowered to his feet I couldn't help but laugh at what I was seeing.

By his feet laid two pieces of his own dick.

They seemed to be fried and something else was on it.

It looked like cheese.

Crazy woman.

I tapped Enzo's shoulder and pointed at it. The moment his eyes met them he bursted into a fit of laughter.

"She fed you your own dick?" Enzo asked our father who just sat there glaring at us.

"Why'd you waste it Marcello?" I seethed. "She a good cook, am sure it wasn't that bad."

"Then you fucking eat it." He grunted and I laughed.

"That'd be nasty as fuck, father." I scolded. "It's yours, so you should be the one eating it."

"You're so lucky I'm tied to this chair or you two would be getting the same treatment you got years ago!" My pathetic father yelled and I shook my head.

"How are you going to do that?" Enzo chuckled, moving to his side. "You weren't much of a man back then and you surely aren't a man now."

"Can't be a man without a dick." I laughed and Enzo began cracking up.

"True." My brother answered through his laughter.

"I'm gonna put a knife to that black bitch's throat the moment I get out of here." Marcello seethed and I stopped laughing.

"Get out?" I asked. "You're not getting out alive."

"Watch me." Was all he said.

"Oh we're watching you, father." Enzo smiled.

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