Chapter 10

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What the fuck is this loud mouth bitch's problem. Why she gotta be a snitch, now I'm the center of fucking attention.

The stares I was receiving had me trembling at my knees. My body became so sensitive I could literally feel the cold temperature from the tiled floor traveling up my legs and all the way into my face. Goosebumps flushed my skin as their deeply analysing gazes burned through me.

But I didn't look away. I stared right back at them.

Like what the fuck you looking at.

"Is that her?" Aldo asked looking at Enzo.

"sì." Was all he said before returning his gaze back to me.

"Lei è bella." Aldo smiled at me.
[She looks good]

"Lei fa. Però non farti sentire da Luciano. La mia mente mi dice che ha un debole per questo." Enzo grinned as he made his way back to me.
[She does. But don't let Luciano hear you say that. My mind tells me he has a thing for this one]

"Come on." He gestures to me before stepping to leave.

"Quindi nessuna presentazione?" Carlo laughed and Enzo groaned.
[So no introduction]

"We'll do that later." Was Enzo's last statement before he escorted me out the room.

I followed behind him feeling somehow left out as we silently made our way to wherever we were going. Why doesn't he speak to me like he speaks to them.

Obviously cause you're not his friend and he's not yours.

It kinda hurts though, makes me feel like a nobody. I'm going to try to talk him.

"Uhm, Enzo?" I whispered, not wanting to annoy him.

"Hmmm?" He answered. He actually answered.

No shit Sherlock.

"Who were they?"

"Curiosity killed the cat Kelsey." He smirked at me. Well it's a damn good thing I'm not a feline.

"Nevermind." I retorted with disappointment lacing my tone.

"Aldo, the blond is my cousin." He sighed as if he didn't want to have a conversation with me.

"And Carlo, Dante and Marco?" I queried but he stopped in his tracks and stared back at me.

"You're very observant." Was that a compliment, close enough. I'll take it.

"Thank You." I smiled at him. "You wanna know what else I observed."

"What else did you observe little lady?" He kept walking and I was now walking right beside him, extremely contented that he was talking to me.

"Well...... I noticed that girl Ashley and the three black men in the room."

"That's not hard to spot now is it?" He chuckled.

"You didn't let me finish." I pouted.

"Go ahead then." He permitted.

"Well..." I paused.

"What's with the hesitation?" Enzo groaned at me. My mind flashed back to my discovery from earlier.

"If you must know....Carlo is really a cheat." I stated sounding proud of myself.

"And how do you know that?" He stopped in his tracks again.

"He hides some cards."


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