Chapter 20

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"What?" She sounded shocked.

"You heard me bella. Kill. Him."

Her eyes darted from me to Paolo who didn't dare say a word. I noticed how her hands were shaking and smirked to myself.

Aww. She's nervous.

"If you don't kill him, then I'll kill the both of you so hurry the fuck up." I barked at her and she flinched.

"Why?" She whispered. "Why should I kill him?"

"Tell her what you did Paolo." I commanded and his head hung low.

"I.. I stole from my brother. I deprived them and their children because of my selfish wants." Paolo spoke, looking down at the floor.

"I ...I can't do it Luciano. He did nothing to me and I can't just take an innocent life." She sobbed.

"Innocent." I laughed. "The only innocent person in this room is you amore."

"Now fucking kill him before I put a bullet in your fucking skull!" I yelled at her and she trembled while holding the gun towards Paolo.

"We're all waiting bambola." Enzo teased and I narrowed my eyes at him.

She held the gun tightly and slowly lowered her finger on the trigger.

I smiled to myself. She's really gonna do it.

"No I can't. I just can't." She lowered the gun, her eyes clouding with tears.

I spoke too fucking soon.

"Paolo. Do you have a family?" She asked and he nodded, refraining from opening his mouth.

"Are you sorry for what you did?" He nodded again to her question.

This girl.

"Will you ever do it again?" He shook his head no.

I sat there watching the two and I couldn't hold it anymore.

I began laughing hysterically. Did she really think that'd save his ass.

I wiped the laughter from my face and stood up, standing directly beside her.

"See he'll change Luciano there's no need to end his life." She stated softly looking up at me with pleading eyes.

She's so fucking beautiful.

"He has a family, maybe give him another chance so he can be with them for another day." She continued. "Maybe he'll have one last time to hug his children and tell them how much he loves them. Spend time with them and make them feel appreciated. Rather than leaving them broken and alone."

She was now crying and I think she was referring to more than the situation at hand.

"That was so touching."I held my heart and fake pouted.

"Really?" She asked wiping her tears and I took the gun from her hand.

"Yes." I retorted blankly, shooting Paolo right between his eyes. "But save the sappy shit for his funeral."

Kelsey froze as she watched his body collapse unto floor.


"Everyone out." I commanded and within a minute the meeting room was cleared.

She didn't take her eyes off him for a second. She just watched as blood pooled from the hole in his head.

I stood behind her and put my hands on her shoulder.

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