Chapter 62

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Two Months Later ....

"Baby." I yelled for Luciano as I walked into the basement.

"I'm busy amore." I heard him yell back and I chuckled.

"It's about the shipment that was to be delayed. Apparently, it hasn't." I walked up to him and he wiped the blood into a handkerchief. Then proceeded to take the tablet from my hands.

I've been involved in Luciano's business now more than ever. I've gone to meetings with him and sealed even difficult deals. A true business woman.

"Why do you mean?" He scrolled up and I shrugged. "I bet it's Enzo's fault. With his lazy ass."

It's been roughly two months since the incident with Vladimir. It hurt both Luciano and I extremely but we had each other.

And honestly, being with him was all I could ask for.

As you could have guessed, the merge was terminated and both mafias continued as they were before.

Vlad and his wife governed theirs and Luci and I did the same.

Honestly, Luciano kinda took it worst than I did. He cut all ties with Vlad and we haven't spoken to him since.

Alexei comes by every now and then. His involvement with Enzo and Val was the only reason he was here.

Lucky fuckers.

Although Vladimir and Luciano didn't get along anymore, they weren't the enemies they once were. And I was grateful for that.

My gaze shifted to a bloodied face guy tied to a chair and I looked at Luciano with questioning eyes.

"Business." He smiled before placing a kiss on my forehead and handing back the gadget to me.

"I see." I smirked and wrapped my free hand around his waist. "How about we take care of some personal business tonight."

"I like the sound of that." Luci chuckled as he captured my lips into a lustful kiss.

His soft lips left mine and trailed down my neck. I moaned when he bit into my sweet spot.

We were soon interrupted by the hostage's laughter.

"She's got you going soft." He spat in disgust. "That's gonna get you both killed."

Luciano and I chuckled as I stepped closer to him.

"What'd he do?" I asked and Luciano stood behind me, making out with my neck.

The poor man just stared at us as we touched each other.

If I wasn't so ladylike I'd fuck Luciano right before his swollen, bruised eyes.

As much as the thought turned me on even more, I wouldn't do it.

"Snake baby. Snake." Luci whispered softly into my ear.

"So you're a snitch?" I queried and he chuckled.

"And what are you going to do about it, monkey?" He smirked and I smiled.

These racial slurs are so outdated. They think it'll make me feel bad about myself, but they should be the ones feeling bad for themselves.

They don't make me mad, they just make me want to do mad things to them.

"You see the thing about monkeys, snake. They're way smarter than you give them credit for. I generally believe that just as humans are born knowing little to nothing and are taught. I think if we were to teach monkeys just as we do humans, we'd be surprised at how tremendously they excel." I explained.

"I really don't give a fuck. So what's the point." He grumbled.

"You see, just like humans. Monkeys don't have to be taught rage. They don't have to be taught aggression or how to terribly hurt someone." I chuckled before turning to give my man a kiss.

"Could you pass the grater for me honey." I smiled innocently to Luciano and he went to the table and fetched the grater.

It amazes me the things they have down here.

Luci handed it to me and I gave him the tablet before stooping down near the man's feet.

"What...what are you going to do with that?" He panicked and I laughed.

"Shhhh. Monkeys don't like to be disturbed." I warned before rubbing my hands over his smooth knee.

A painful scream ripped from his throat when I placed the grater against his knee and started moving it up and down.

His flesh opened as I grated, moving my hand faster and faster. The pungent smell of blood filled my nostrils and I smiled even more.

He screamed loud earsplitting screams until I got tired of hearing him.

"Please shut him up, baby." I cooed sweetly to Luciano and he placed down the gadget, got behind the guy and covered his mouth.

As I grated his knee harder, the shredded pieces of flesh fell to the ground and I didn't stop until his patella was visible.

I swiftly moved to the other and by the time I was finished my hands were a bloody mess.

"Fuck!" Luciano yelled, pulling his hand away from the guy's mouth and flashing it.

He knocked him across the head and the guy immediately passed out.

Guess he's a pussy for pain.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked and Luciano fake pouted. He was so fucking cute.

"The fucker bit me." He explained and I laughed. "He bit me. Look."

I dropped the grater and attended to his hand.

The guy indeed bit him. It looked like he bit him hard too.

"Let's get it cleaned up." I smiled and he pecked my lips.

A few minutes later Luciano sat on our bed and I cleaned the bite and put a bandaid on it.

"Aren't you going to kiss it, bella." He raised a brow at me. "Kiss it better."

I laughed and kissed it.

"Good. Now let me repay you by kissing your aching spot." He smirked evilly and I slapped his shoulder.

"You're so goofy." I teased and he smirked.

"And you're crazy. Can't believe you grated that guy's knees off."

"He was asking for it." I deadpanned.

"Sometimes I think you're a cannibal." Luciano laughed and I cracked up.

"I'm not."

"Good. I can't have you chewing my dick off." He chuckled and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You did it before." He shrugged and I slapped him across the head.

"Oww. Now you gotta kiss my head too. Come on. Kiss it."

I sucked my teeth and turned to walk away. Before I could get far, he grabbed me, threw me onto the bed and shifted my underwear.

"Why are you running?" He laughed as he sank two fingers into my wet heat.

I moaned, arching my back when his lips caught mine for a passionate kiss.






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