Chapter 61

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A week later...

We stayed in New York a tad bit longer than I expected. Luciano pleaded that he needed some alone time with me and I agreed.

He even brought out a book be was reading and showed me a part he highlighted. It was something saying that when couples spend more time together, they create memorable connections and establish unbreakable bonds.

Luciano was so sweet to me the time we were there. Even though he was shot, he took me on a little picnic and we had amazing sex out there for nature to see.

He took me to an isolated area so no one saw us going at it like horny dogs on the side of the road. Maybe some hilly billy saw but he or she ain't telling nobody.

The air around Vladimir's mansion seemed different when we arrived. The men and women here were acting strange. And as I walked through the halls, I heard them whispering.

I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but I had a feeling it was about me.

I quickly walked down the hall where Vladimir's room was and to my surprise, there were no gaurds there. It was empty.

In the silence that covered the hall, I could hear strained moans. My mind began to wonder.

When I came to a stop at Vlad's door, I realized the moans were coming from the other side. My heart sank into a bottomless pit.

"I love you so much." A voice that sounded like Vlad moaned. "Tell me you'll never leave me again. Tell me."

"I won't baby. I promise." A lady's voice moaned, filled with pleasure.

I felt my heart shatter. He loves her.

My hands shook as I reached for the door handle. I contemplated whether or not to open it and I decided I shouldn't.

Fuck it. I needed to know what the fuck is going on.

Swiftly, my hands wrapped around the handle and I slammed it open.

My heart bled at what I saw.

Vladimir was hammering into a blonde from the back. His eyes widened and his body stilled when he saw me. The lady screamed and covered herself with the sheets as Vlad struggled to put on his pants.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. I felt like I was being stabbed in my heart. My throat went dry and my eyes clouded with tears.

How could he do such a thing.

Vlad tried moving towards me but I stepped back, letting the tears roll down my face.

People will say you shouldn't cry over a man. But they have no idea what it feels like to have their trust betrayed and heart broken by someone who claimed to love you.

"Who is this baby?" The lady asked, staring at me as I cried. She wasn't ugly, she was quite the opposite actually. She has dark brown eyes and a beautiful face.

Vladimir's eyes shifted from me to her and his answer only hurt me even more.

"She's Kelsey. She's a friend." He stated in an assuring tone.

A friend.

A fucking friend.

I opened my mouth to say something but again, nothing came out. A nauseous feeling built inside of me and  when I swallowed but my throat was all dried up.

Vlad looked back to me but my gaze was focused on the woman. She looked much older than me.

Maybe that's why he did it. Because I'm immature and foolish.

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