Chapter 64

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I sat around the table, looking intensely through the files.

Someone fucked up and was about to get fucked.

I rolled my eyes as various men at the table passed disgusting remarks about me. They didn't even try to hide the misogyny. They didn't think that a woman could do a man's job and do it well. But I was about to show them. I could not only do it well, I could do it better.

Much better.

"I just don't get why he'd send a woman to do this job." An older looking guy spoke loudly, obviously with the intention for me to hear.

Oh I heard the fucker, loud and clear.

"Yeah. She doesn't even look qualified." Another whispered back and I smirked.

People. They never seize to amuse me, men in particular.

Trust me, I was dressed professionally, I acted professionally, spoke professionally and even fucking smiled professionally.

I admit I didn't go to college and get a degree, but I was taught by some of the best in the business. They made millions.

The fucker was trying to point out me being unqualified but failed to mention how dumb they were. I always let people assume less of me, so when I actually show the fuckers how truly wrong they are. They'll feel like shit.

I guess them thinking I wasn't qualified enough, gave them false hope that I wouldn't be able to see the little stunt they pulled with the files.

"Who's the boss here?" I asked and the old guy presented himself.

So he was the boss. Sweet.

"Can you give me a run down of these files please. I'm not understanding them." I smiled and he scoffed.

"See, she can't even comprehend what's in the files." He whispered loudly to the other guy. I smirked as I rhythmically tapped my fingers on the desk.

I looked like a bad bitch, just a sidenote.

"I'm waiting." I cheesed and the man groaned before taking up his copy of the files.

"The original black words signify the source of the income. The ones in green are the single revenue from each of the sources and the big red digits at the bottom is the total income." He explained in a sassy tone.

I squinted my eyes at him and raised a brow. A smirk etched onto my face when I realized that the man was serious.

He really thought I was that dumb. What the fuck in that wouldn't I understand.

"I'm not talking about that dummy." I scoffed and one of my gaurds chuckled. "I'm telling you to explain the fucking numbers to me."

"Wh.. what do you mean. The numbers are there and they are correct. There's really nothing to explain." He stated, his voice not sounding so confident anymore.

"Ok. That'll be all, meeting's over." I smiled, wrapping up the little occasion. Everyone got up from their seats to leave until they heard me speak again.

"Aah sike!" I laughed. "I'm just fucking with y'all."

Everyone stilled and I smirked. I could hear my gaurds chuckling behind me.

"Sit your fucking asses down." I ordered in a psychotic tone and all butts made best friends with their chairs.

I admit that wasn't very professional but the place was deader than a cemetery.

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