Chapter 67

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"Woah! What the fuck is this?" I yelled as my eyes caught sight of Mila, Vladimir's kid and Alexei on the couch in the living room.

Alexei had a sling on his arm and I rushed to him.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked before taking glances at Vlad's wife and son. She was sobbing as she held the little boy tightly against her chest.

Where was Vlad.

"We got ambushed." Alexei answered and my heart sunk into my stomach. "They raided the house a week ago. We had to run and had no where else to go that was safe."

"What happened to your safe houses?" Luciano asked as he stood in a distance with his arms folded across his chest.

"They knew everything. No where is safe?" Alexei answered, his gaze shifting between Luci and I.

"And you thought coming here was a good idea?" Enzo asked, raising his voice.

Oh please. Is that how you talk to the man you're fucking.

"Shut the fuck up Lorenzo!" Valeria warned and Enzo pouted.

"Where's Vlad?" Luciano asked and suddenly Mila started crying loudly.

Alexei's head hung low with a painful look on his face.

"Where the fuck is Vladimir?" Luciano shouted and everyone flinched.

"They took him." Alexei groaned and my mouth fell open in shock.

No. They couldn't have.

"Who the fuck is they? Who took him?" Luci asked again, sounding angry and impatient. I knew he still had feelings for Vlad. We both did, and although he hurt us we didn't want to see anything horrible happen to him.

Luci and I loved each other to the moon and back, back we both accepted the fact that Vlad would now and forever have a space in our hearts.

"Don Petrov." Mila spoke for the first time and heard Luciano groan.

"I didn't want to do it. I had no choice, he'd have killed my son." She cried and realization dawned on me.

"She set us up." Alexei announced and I heard a few gasps.

"Bring her to the basement." Luci announced and a few gaurds took ahold of her. One took the child and he started crying, reaching for his mother as she sobbed and begged.

"Please don't take my child!" She cried and I could hear the pain in her voice. "Please don't take him away again."

"Mama!" The boy screamed running to his mother as they dragged her away. She managed to get out of the gaurds grasp and ran to her son with open arms, engulfing him in a tight hug as they cried together.

"Luciano." I whispered, feeling my heart tear and he nodded his head.

"Bring them both to my office." Luci ordered in a more caring tone. One of the gaurds went to take her but Luciano shook his head 'no'.

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