They make it through the night but not without several interruptions in sleep. Each time Kara has nightmares, Lena wakes her and comforts her back to sleep. Neither woman gets more than a few hours in total. Both women are awake and holding each other as the sun rises. Each sniffle from the blonde is like a punch in the gut to the CEO. She tries to comfort her as much as possible, but she knows neither will be able to relax until the judge makes a ruling.

"Come on, darling. We need to get up and get dressed."

"I don't wanna," Kara whines.

"Baby, if you want to go, we have to."

"I know, I know." Kara pauses. "Thank you for spending the night babysitting me."

"Hey now. No demeaning yourself in my presence. You rushed over for me at 2am while I was in the middle of a panic attack. We help each other when we need it."
Kara remains silent and snuggles in closer to the woman that she loves. She kisses the portion of neck she can reach.

"No funny business. Come on. Let's get ready."

Lena gets Kara up. She changes the bandages. They are close to being completely healed and the stitches are dissolving. Another day or two, and Kara will be completely healed. The CEO moves about methodically, helping clean her up and get her dressed into a comfortable and court appropriate dress. Kara goes with Alex to the living room to enjoy coffee and mentally prepare. Alex and Lena share a look as the blonde slumps into the couch.

Lena herself decided in the middle of the night to dress to kill for court. She wants to be seen as strong and intimidating to Mike. She wants him to think twice before doing anything in the future. She puts on a dark three piece suit and slicks back her hair. She takes her time putting on her makeup like war paint. By the time she comes out to the kitchen, she hears Alex swear softly.


"What?" Lena asks.

Kara's jaw is practically on the floor. "Y-you look..."

Lena just looks down at her clothes, trying to see what's the matter.

"Fuck, Lena. You look like you are going to fuck someone up," Alex mumbles.

Lena blushes. She suddenly realizes that the sisters aren't used to her strict and commandeering CEO attire. They've only seen her in her comfort clothes or ladylike, feminine outfits. They have yet to witness her in full CEO mode.
She awkwardly clears her throat, "Well, this is the suit I'm most comfortable in when facing the misogynistic assholes on my board."

"Mike definitely fits that bill," Alex mumbles.

Kara continues to stare blatantly. Her brain has practically shut down. It's a miracle that she isn't physically drooling. She only comes to full attention when she hears Lena calling out her name several times.

"Kara? Kara? Are you alright?" Lena asks, concerned.

"What? Um... yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." Kara lets out a deep sigh, "Lee, you look amazing."

Lena blushes again. "Thank you, darling."

Alex checks the time. She whispers, "We should get going."

Lena checks her watch and lets out a sigh. "I have a driver out front to take us. You ready, Kar?"

"As ready as I'm going to be." Kara gets fidgety and drops her eyes to the floor.
Alex takes up one side of Kara while Lena takes up the other. Lena holds her hand while Alex wraps an arm around her shoulder as they go into the elevator.

"It'll be alright. We will get through this," Alex mumbles.

"You don't know that," Kara whispers.

Lena leans into her side and kisses Kara's hand. "No, we don't. But we will make it alright. You heard my niece. Sam and I are scary, and you are family. We will protect you."

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