twenty nine ➳ abduction (reprise)☑️

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Through all of Vivian's efforts in finding help in her sisters, she only found dead ends.
All the Original Witches expressed that The Dean had kept out of their way and caused no trouble, which meant that in return they would make no rush to wage war with the woman that could leave them powerless with one touch. Vivian knew what that excuse really meant though; it meant they were being cowards. The same original witches she pleaded her case to were a part of the council at the academy back when Heterea was enrolled, they saw firsthand what happened to anyone who dared oppose Diane's will. Vivian knew there was no way to force their allegiance and so her focus shifted to making sure the group she had now was strong enough to stand against anything Diane had to offer.

Alexis and Historia returned to the main hall and were met by Rhea and Jaylene who were racking up drinks on Vivian's tab.

"The infamous redhead once again graced us with her presence." Jaylene burped as the pair approached.

The redhead in question raised her eyebrows, "Is she drunk?" Historia asked Rhea, who was still very sober, despite having as many drinks as the vampire.

"Not yet, I think she's only a little tipsy, give it like half an hour."

"If we're invited on a super-rich cruise free of charge, then I'm going to help myself to super expensive of cost." Jaylene's words were slightly slurred which meant that she was beginning to inch over the threshold of being only "a little tipsy".

"Not when we have a job." Alexis butted in with a stern tone. The vampire wasn't impressed at all with Jaykene's behaviour. They didn't want anything to risk Historia's safety right now.

"Look, I hate to be a pooper but we've been watching The Dean for weeks now. She hasn't outwardly given us a reason to jump on her, I'm starting to think she never will..." Jaylene took a more serious tone, sensing that Alexis wasn't joking.

"Which is exactly what she wants." The older vampire responded immediately.

"I know how you feel Jaylene but I have a terrible feeling about this cruise. So it would be best if you're not drunk." Historia looked to Jaylene and supported Alexis' side of the argument.

"I swear from this point on I will live a boring vanilla sober lifestyle." The young vampire turned to the pair and crossed her heart.

"Thank you, I know how much it might pain you." Historia smiled gratefully before hugging Jaylene.

"Where are my mother and Liana?" Alexis asked.

"Liana is watching Victoria and Liberty on the upper deck and Vivian followed Diane to see if her current disappearance would be permanent," Rhea answered.

"They've lost track of The Dean?" Alexis grew angry and Historia instantly noticed. The girl slipped her hand into Alexis', attempting to calm them down.

"But they're probably up there trying to find her. I don't think we have any serious reason to panic. We'd just be playing into what she wants us to do."

"We're going up, stay sober and keep an eye out:"


Alexis began to walk away but as the distance between them and the girls increased Historia's stomach churned. They had only reached a little after the threshold of the doors when the redhead stopped behind Alexis. The vampire noticed and turned to the girl with a questioning look.

"I want to stay with Jaylene and Rhea," Historia stated softly.

Rhea and Jaylene heard their names and looked at the pair who had stopped, they raised their eyebrows and looked at each other, then back to Alexis and Historia. The girls at the bar could tell Alexis wasn't happy with this and turned away, keeping out of their business.

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