CH:51 Cupcake

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(⚠️ Warning: this chapter contains some content that might make some readers uncomfortable. So underaged readers can skip the chapter.⚠️)

After a night Full of thrusts and moans Sasuke and Sakura spent the morning on bed. Certainly they were both tired after this long of a intercourse. Sasuke laid silently gazing on Sakura's face that had a different glow that morning. A few months back the arrival of a day like that had been beyond his imagination. Yet he was there sleeping beside his fairly beautiful wife. Sakura's whole body was covered with marks that testified her night full of ecstasy. Sakura caressed Sasuke's face and sided his bangs from his face.

" What are you thinking Sasuke kun...."

Sasuke shifted his mind to her voice.

" Thank you...."

Sakura blushed as she looked at his face which was now smiling. That face of Sasuke was the face she has always wanted to see. The moment when he would truly smile from his heart. She was pretty flustered. She tried to got up but suddenly there was a shooting pain in her back .

" Aaa...ouch...."

Sasuke chuckled.

"It happens after the first time....."

Sakura looked at him confused and flustered. It seemed like they did do that a lot last night. Sasuke got up and helped her as they both headed to the bath house. Thanks to the hot bath Sakura's pain eased out a bit. They decided to stay indoors that day because both of them were pretty tired. It was Sasuke's birthday so Sakura had already planned to make a cake but as Sasuke wasn't a fan of sweets she pondered a lot on whether she should make one or not. After lot of pondering she finally decided that she should make one and if Sasuke dosent eat it then she would just hand it over to the hospital staff. But cooking was something that Sakura was still new at. Making a whole cake seemed tough but still she decided to give her best. At least that's what she thought before she made a mess of the whole kitchen. Sakura sighed in frustration.

" Ahhh....why is making a cake so difficult...."

Hearing her sigh of frustration Sasuke entered the kitchen and stood silently watching over her. As she tried once again after mustering up some courage. She wasn't an easy chick to give up. Surely a woman who didn't give up on a person like him won't give up on something vas trival as cake making. Yet he wished she didn't push herself this hard. A birthday was something that he never thought anything special to celebrate about. So he went near Sakura and hugged her from behind as she finished putting the tray inside the oven. Sakura was shocked with the sudden embrace.

"Sasuke kun......"

Sasuke snuggled into her neck.

" Don't push yourself too birthday is not something I celebrate with great excitement."

Sakura was a bit angery hearing all that. She turned around and cupped his face.

" Don't ever say that again..."

She pinched his cheek hard. Sasuke flinched when it hurt.

"That's what you get for saying that your birth was not something to celebrate. "


She gave a heavy sigh.

" Sasuke kun.....your existence is important. Because without you my life would have been meaningless . I am sure the day you were born you mother, father and brother would have been extreamly happy. No, actually I think the moment your mother came to know that she is gonna give birth to you , the moment your father got to know that he is going to be a father for a second time, the moment your brother came to know about your existence they all felt so elated that they decided to protect you all their life."

Sasuke gave a smirk.

" How can you seem to be so sure of it."

Sakura looked at him and pondered a minute about his question.

" I don't think I can answer that now Sasuke kun.....but I promise I will surely say you the answer someday...."

That's when the oven buzzed saying that the cupcakes were ready. After failing to do cake she decided that may be cupcakes would be easy. Thankfully the cupcakes seemed to be baked in a delicious way. She took them out and did the icing as Sasuke silently gazed at her. Then she turned around to him holding the plate in her hands.

" ready Sasuke kun.... finally after so long... come have to blow the candle."

Sasuke followed her comand and blowed the candle just as she asked him to. Sakura happily sung the Happy Birthday song for him and asked him to make a wish. Sasuke looked confused then.


"C'mon make a wish...."

Wish... Sasuke had no idea what his true wish was. But Sakura made him close his eyes and as if the thought was waiting for him. The thought that all he wants is to smile happily standing beside Sakura. That moment he realised that all these years this was his greatest wish. And Sakura being the first to ask for his wish was the only one who had given him the pleasure of fulfilling it too. Sakura looked ar him intently as he was making his wish. Sakura wondered to herself, " Sasuke kun.... don't worry I will always stay beside you and make you happy. That's a promise." It was as if she could read not only his heart but also his mind.
Now the part was to eat the cake. Sakura was super nervous for this moment. She knew that Sasuke hated sweets. Even though bit hurt her that Sasuke won't eat the cupcakes she made yet she thought it better not to force him to eat something he hates. So she picked up the cupcake to put it away. That's whe Sasuke held her hand.

"Eh... Sasuke kun"

Sasuke looked at her in pleading eyes.

" Are you not gonna let me eat it....Sakura"

Sakura was shocked hearing that.

" I...I thought you didn't like sweets."

Sasuke grabbed her hand and took a bite of the cupcake. The way he ate it was surely seductive. Sakura blushed hard on seeing Sasuke like that. Before she could collect her flustered self Sasuke grabbed her close. He took the cup cake from her hand and took another bite. This time after the bite he placed his mouth upon hers. She could feel the cupcake melting in her mouth now as it gushed into her mouth along with Sasuke's ecstatic kiss. Sakura was soon engulfed in that moment of pleasure as Sasuke slowly started putting the remaining cupcakes icing on her neck and below her collarbone. He shifted to her neck liking all of it up as Sakura gave light moans of pleasure.

" Sasuke ...kun...ahhh.."

Sasuke looked at her after cleaning the icing from her body in the same seductive eyes.

" The cupcake is sweet."

He gave her a deep kiss and carried her to the bed. Sakura looked at him with a flushed face.

"Sasuke kun...."

"Sakura....can I enjoy the cupcake a little more...."

Hearing those words Sakura was completed red but she couldn't certainly deny. Denial wasn't in option actually. Sasuke tossed aside their clothes as he started devouring his sweet cupcake. And the room was filled was completely warmth from their moans of pleasure. And So, Sasuke's birthday become the best day of their life as he received his perfect present.



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